Zutarian Recommendations

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Hello, fellow Zutarians. And of course, others. I am sincerely sorry that this isn't an update on the group's journey, although I couldn't wait any longer to give recommendations on superior Zutarian content. Anyways, I only have a few on my mind right now, but yeah here they are:

The Prince's Choice -- FrostedGemstones 

Renegaded Spirits -- HeretoWriteandFight 

The Bet (Zutara fanfic) -- Pau_SG
It's not finished. I just liked it a lot.

Anyways, these are really good. A lot of Zutarians probably have already read these, I just wanted to share them, just in case, and I'll keep adding if I come across others.

I'm working on a new chapter, but I've been lacking inspiration recently. The next chapter would be Bato of the Water Tribe in the original show, so... yeah. I'm a bit stumped. Any ideas? 

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