The Fortuneteller

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The group decided to split. They were a big group, and it was easier for them to travel in smaller groups. Suki had to go back to Kyoshi Island, she had to continue her training. Azula and Iroh went to the Southern Water Tribe. They both enjoyed staying there, and when Sokka and Katara told them they were worried, they decided to go back to keep them safe. Now the four people who remained together were by a lake, enjoying some rest before continuing to travel.

(A/N: It was getting hard to write for such a big group. Sorry.)


Zuko's POV:

Katara, Sokka, Aang, and I were all at the lake. We had no plans yet, just relaxing. Sokka was fishing, Aang was flying around, and I was waiting for Katara to join me in the lake.

"Ugh! Stop taunting me!" I heard Sokka yell, then he ran into the lake, trying to grab the fish.
"How do I look?" Katara asked, and I turned to look at her. She was stunning. She had on two necklaces. Her mother's and a longer one. It dangled lower than the first one, closer to her collarbone.
"I bought this new necklace yesterday. What do you think?" she asked again.
"Oh, er... You meant just your neck? Or all of you? I mean, because they both look great," I stuttered, blushing.
"Smoochie, smoochie, someone's in love," Sokka teased, making kissing faces at the fish, then screamed, "OWW!!" when it smacked his face with its tail and hopped back into the lake.

After a while, we were all sitting by the lake, dried off and just talking. I saw Momo, and he suddenly jumped onto a rock. Aang looked, and he yelled to us, "Someone's being attacked by a platypus bear!"

We went to get a closer look. There was a traveler who was dodging the attacks. Katara, Sokka and Aang started to yell at the man, they told him to do this, or do that so that the platypus bear wouldn't hurt him.

"No need, it's going to be fine!" The traveler said, dodging another swing of the platypus's claw.
"Woah there," Aang said, and sent a blast of air towards the animal.

The platypus bear stood up and screamed loudly, but Appa came up behind it and bellowed, causing the bear to lay an egg and quickly run away.

"Mmmm, lunch," Sokka said, picking up the egg, "Lucky for you, we came along," he continued, and looked at the traveler.
"Thanks, but everything was already under control. Not to worry. Aunt Wu predicted I'd have a safe journey," he said in response.
"Aunt who?" Aang asked.
"No, Aunt Wu. She's the fortuneteller from my village. Awful nice knowing your future." 

Katara turned to the side, thinking, and said, "Wow, it must be! That explains why you were so calm!"
"But the fortuneteller was wrong! You didn't have a safe journey; you were almost killed!" Sokka said.
"But I wasn't! All right, have a good one!" the man said as he walked away. 

We all just stood there, wondering what to do, when he suddenly turned back and gave Katara something. "Oh, and Aunt Wu said if I met any travelers to give them this." Then, he walked away.

Katara handed me the wrapped object, and said, "Maybe we should go see Aunt Wu and learn our fortunes. It could be fun." 

I unwrapped and opened the red umbrella just as Sokka said, "Oh, come on. Fortune telling is nonsense!" 

At that moment, the sky went dark, and it started to rain. Katara quickly ducked under the umbrella with me, and Aang found a leaf. Sokka raised the egg above his head to shield himself from the rain.
Katara said, "That proves it!"
"No, it doesn't! You can't really tell the future!" Sokka said.
"I guess you're not really getting wet then."

Sokka lost his grip on the egg, which caused it to crack on his head. After debating, we decided to head toward the mountain, in the direction of the village.

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