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Iroh's POV:

We arrived in another Earth Kingdom village after flying out of the forest. There is a storm coming. But all the kids are outside. 

"Katara, there will be a big storm soon," I told her.
"Really? But the sky's so clear!"
"Yes, it is. But a storm is coming from the North."
"Okay, Uncle Iroh. I'll tell the others."
"Thank you Katara."

Most of our group was back in the cave now. Katara and her brother were still outside. I wonder where they are. The storm will be here soon. It is a bad one. I hope they make it in time.


Sokka's POV:

"Sokka! Iroh said that there would be a storm too! Just listen to the lady and come back to the cave!" Katara said.
She can be so unreasonable sometimes. Whatever. I'll listen to her. Just because I want to prove her wrong. "Fine! If Iroh thinks so too, then I'll come. But no one will have money now!"
"Whatever! We can get money later, but I don't want to have to be outside during a storm!"

She dragged me back towards the cave, but the storm was already here. Holy crap. She was right. It started pouring right away. Luckily, she bent a shield of water above our heads. It didn't keep all the rain out, but it did help a bit. The sky was dark, and there was thunder and lightning. We'd seen rain before, but this was nothing like it. We started running.

"I told you, Sokka! If you hadn't been so stubborn, maybe we'd already be inside now!"
"Sorry Katara."
"You really need to stop listening to your instincts. They're wrong more than they are right."
"Sorry Katara."


Zuko's POV: 

Where were they? Everyone was inside except for Katara and her idiot brother. I didn't want her to be outside in such a big storm. While everyone else was sitting around the fire Uncle started and enjoying tea, I couldn't bring myself to relax. She was still out there!

"Zuko, put your nerves aside and have some calming jasmine tea," Uncle suggested, "They will be okay. Katara is a waterbender, remember? She will be okay."

He scooted closer. "Speaking of Katara, have you told her yet?" he asked with a wide grin.
"No, uncle, but I will."
"Good, good."

I heard Katara and her brother's bickering a few minutes later. As soon as they came into view, I saw that they were soaked. Katara's waterbending didn't do much. I immediately wrapped Katara into a cloth, drying her off a bit. She and her brother came in, and she bent all the water out of their clothes. She then went to sit by the fire, sighing contently as the warmth of the fire reached her. 


Katara's POV: 

I went to sit by the fire, and Iroh gave me a cup of hot tea. 

"Thank you."
"My pleasure."

Zuko came to sit by me a few moments later, and Iroh handed him tea, too. He wrapped his arm around me, heat radiating off of him. Geez. He was so warm. I looked at him quizzically.

"Firebenders are- I thought- Since you- If you- I just-"
"I thought- since you just came back from outside that you... Would want to be warmer."
"Yeah," I smiled, "Thanks Zuko."

He smiled in return and looked away.

"Aww, look at that," Azula teased, "Zuzu's got a girlfriend~"  

I blushed and looked down at my tea, feeling Zuko's arm grow hotter on my shoulders.


That night, while I was trying to fall asleep despite the loud thunder of the storm, I saw Zuko relight the fire and sit by it, sighing. I got up and joined him.

"Can't sleep?" I asked him.
"Nope. The storm's so loud."

I couldn't help but want to feel his warmth again. I leaned against his shoulder and wrapped my hands around his arm, feeling his warm skin pressed against mine. I sighed, loving the feeling and wished that it would stay with me forever. 

He suddenly turned to me, and looked me in the eyes.

"Katara, I want to tell you something."
"What? That you're really, really hungry? And that you would like me to eat breakfast with you?" I asked, remembering the last time he said those words to me.
He blushed, and looked down at the ground momentarily before looking back at me, serious.
"I didn't have the courage to say it last time, but I really really like you Katara."
"Zuko... I like..." I paused.
"Who? Haru? Jet? Who is it?"
"What? I asked you, who is it? Who do you like?"
"I know. And I answered you."
"Zuko. I like you too, Zuko."

His eyes widened, and I smiled. He stayed like that, frozen for another brief moment before wrapping me in a warm hug.

Zuko's POV:

She broke our hug, and I looked her in the eyes. I was drawn towards her, my lips getting closer to hers, and I stopped before they touched.

"Can I?" I whispered.

I pressed my lips onto hers, wondering how her lips were so soft. I lingered for just another second, and pulled away.

We stayed by each other, talking until we were sleepy. We went back into our sleeping bags, and I felt great.

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