Bato of the Water Tribe pt. 1

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The sun slowly peeked out over the mountains as it awoke, illuminating the sky and the sea. Small blades of grass swayed gently with the morning wind. Glistening in the morning sun, foaming white waves crashed upon the rocky shore. The peaceful hush of morning ended as it was broken- gladly - by a young boy's bubbly voice.

"Hey look!" Aang said, peering at a weapon poking up from the ground. "A sword made out of a whale's tooth!" 
He yanked it out as Sokka slid down a slope. Aang turned, holding it out to him. Sokka yanked it from him, examining the weapon, noticing its similarities to the weapons he used back home. In one of the only times he was ever serious about anything, he faced Aang again. "This is a Water Tribe weapon. See if you can find anything else."

The two boys rummaged around the rocks and sand by the shore as Katara peered at them, curious.

"Did someone lose something?" she asked.
"No, we found something!" Aang answered somewhat excitedly.

A few minutes went by, and the group of friends found the remains of what Sokka explained must've been a battle.

"...The firebenders fought back, but the warriors drove them down this hill."

He ran down a dirt path, hopping over rugged rocks and pushing past leafy vines. Arriving at a sandy beach, he stopped. His three friends stopped behind him.

"So? Then what happened?" Aang asked, disappointed by the cliffhanger.
"I don't know..." Sokka mumbled. "The trail ends here.
"Wait! Look!" Katara exclaimed. She tugged Zuko's sleeve, getting his attention before pointing out at the sea.
"It's one of our boats!" Sokka said in happy realization.

The Water Tribe siblings ran toward the ship.

"Is this dad's boat?" Katara asked, hopeful.
Sokka examined the boat, running a hand on the side. "No, but it's from his fleet." He turned to face Katara. "Dad was here."


A/N: I'm sorry for such a short chapter, but I've seriously been struggling with motivation to write this specific episode, Bato of the Water Tribe, and I don't know why. 

Anyways, this is what I've done so far, and when I work up the motivation, I might finish it. However, I might just skip over it? It's not super eventful and it doesn't affect the plot too much, since they just head to the North Pole anyways. Suggestions are always appreciated btw.



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