Freedom Fighters

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Azula's POV:

After getting them out of the Earth Kingdom prison, we were setting up camp in a forest. Uncle was meditating with Zuzu, hoping to have the past avatars communicate to him or whatever, everyone else was trying to find stuff for dinner, when the bald kid suddenly spoke. "Where's Momo?" he said.

Momo... Who's Momo? ...... 

"Don't worry, Aang, we'll find your lemur," the waterbender said.

Riiight. The dude's lemur.

We decide to look around. We left Uncle and Zuzu to do their meditating shit, and the rest of us postponed dinner to look for the damn lemur.

We did find the lemur. It got stuck in a trap. Heh. Typical. The monk flew up there and freed his lemur. It took him almost ten minutes. Then he had the nerve to fly back up and try to free the other two animals. Luckily, Sokka threw his boomerang at the ropes, cut them, and he freed them before Aang ever would.

"Those were Fire Nation traps," Katara said, "We should probably set up camp somewhere else."
"Sure," Aang said.

We all went back and told Zuzu and Uncle. We walked through the forest, except no one really knew where we were going. We would just find a clearing, probably.

Eventually, we did find a clearing, but this one was already taken by Fire Nation soldiers. We were found, and the leader of the group threw fire at the bushes behind us, trapping us. We were about to fight when the soldiers were suddenly knocked out, one by one. A few charged at us anyway, and Sokka got prepared to fight him, yelling out and holding up his boomerang, but a stranger with weird hook swords or something took down the soldier before Sokka was able to do anything.

"Hey!" he whined.
"Gotta be quicker next time," the stranger said.

The fight quickly stopped, and the soldiers were gone.


Zuko's POV:

"Wow. You just took out a whole army almost single-handed," I heard Aang say admiringly.
"Army? Pfft!" Sokka scoffed, "There were only, like, twenty guys!"
"My name is Jet, and these are my Freedom Fighters, Sneers, Longshot, Smellerbee, The Duke, and Pipsqueak."

At first I thought Pipsqueak would be the smallest one, but he turned out to be the largest. Sneers was the scout. Smellerbee was the skinny one with war paint on his face. Longshot was the boy with arrows, and The Duke was the smallest of them all.
(I'm aware Smellerbee was a girl, just writing in Zuko's POV. It never clarified if he knew or not, and since Iroh didn't, I'm assuming he didn't either.)

I watched as Katara went up to Jet and said, "Thanks for saving us Jet. We're lucky you were there."
"I should be thanking you! We were waiting to ambush those soldiers all morning. We just needed the right distraction, then you guys stumbled in."
Katara gave Sokka a dirty look. "We were relying on instincts."
Jet chuckled and said, "You'll get yourself killed doing that."

Jet took us to their hideout, but when we got there, there was nothing there. When Sokka pointed this out, Jet handed him a rope. "Here. Hold this."
"Why?" asked Sokka, "What's this do- AAAAAHHH!!!" he screamed as he got pulled up into the trees. Azula and Uncle both found ropes to grab onto. I grabbed one of my own, and I got into the trees too. I saw Jet and Katara come up together, and I couldn't help but feel angry again. I just got rid of Haru!

Jet told us about the Fire Nation, and how they took over a nearby town. They're trying to drive the Fire Nation out for good. He was pulled Katara away and told her about whatever. I didn't hear. We all ate dinner at their hideout. Katara told Jet how she and Sokka lost their mother to the Fire Nation.

The next day, Jet brought me and Sokka on a "mission" while Azula and Uncle brought Suki with them on a fishing trip. Jet robbed an old Fire Nation man. Sokka and I apologized to the man before leaving. We told Katara, but she insisted that she heard Jet's side of the story. He said the man was an assassin. He wasn't.

I overheard a conversation between Jet and a few other Freedom Fighters. He wanted Katara to fill the reservoir and then he would blow the dam. I couldn't believe it. I was going to tell Katara about it. I told Katara what he was planning to do.

"Zuko, I'm sorry if you're jealous, but I know Jet wouldn't do that."
"Katara, please. You have to believe me," I said, "And I'm not jealous of Jet."
"Sure. And I'm not a waterbender."

She left, and when I caught up to her, the reservoir was filled with water. I went to grab Sokka. 

"Sokka! We have to get to the dam!"
"No! The dam's already full. We have to warn the villagers! We can get Aang to bring us on Appa."

We headed to the village. 

"Please!" I said, "You have to believe us! There are a bunch of guys up there, and they're about to blow the dam and send a huge load of water into your village!"

I heard protesting voices in the crowd. "No, you're lying!" or "You just want us to leave so you can steal our stuff!"

Then I heard an old man's voice. "I know they're telling the truth."

Sokka and I turned around to see that it was the old man Jet had attacked. "I've met them before, and I'm sure they are telling the truth. Let's evacuate."

Seeing that people of the village were evacuating, Sokka, Aang, and I escorted all of them out and made sure everyone was out of the village. We got on Appa, and we flew back to the dam, just as the dam blew.

"All these people..." I heard Katara say, "Jet! You monster!" as she froze Jet to a tree.
"This was a victory, Katara. Remember that. The Fire Nation is gone and this valley will be safe."
"It will be safe. Without you," Sokka said from next to me. Katara turned to see us on Appa.
"Sokka! Aang! Zuko..."
"Fools!" Jet screamed, "We could've freed this valley!"
"Who would be free?" I countered, "Everyone would be dead."
"You......... You traitor!" Jet yelled.
"No, Jet. You became the traitor when you stopped protecting innocent people," Sokka said as I helped Katara on Appa.
"Katara, please! Help me," Jet said to her.
"Goodbye Jet," she said glumly.

As we went to pick up the others from their fishing trip, Katara kept apologizing to me.

"Zuko I'm so sorry. I can't believe I didn't believe you," she was crying.
"Don't be sorry Katara," I said, wiping the tears off her cheeks, "It's not your fault."
"I thought we would go to the dam," I said to Sokka, still comforting Katara, "How come we went to the town instead?"
"What can I say? Sometimes my instincts are right."
"Uhh... Sokka?" Aang said, "You know you're going the wrong way, right?"
"Oh," he said, "And sometimes they're wrong."

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