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Tommy POV: 

Tommy was 8, Wilbur was 11, Technoblade was 12

After a solid hour, I finally finished working on my favorite hobby; sketching. I had made a drawing of a butterfly in the windowsill in my room with a slight resemblance of the fields that stretched out inside the walls of the castle in the background. It was not a master piece but I found it quite prideful.

Hmm what should I do with this

Oh! I'll show dad

I readjusted my white and red jumper on my shoulders, grabbed the papers, and turned around. A golden hue shown through the window and around my room, easily showing off the white dresser and HUGE mirror above it, the wood carvings in the edges were highlighted by the sunlight. My eyes followed other areas of my room, like the metal framed queen sized bed, the shiny quarts floors, and the doorframe to the balcony. Every shade of white.

I snapped out of my gaze and focused back on the big wide door. 
Then I slowly creaked it open and tiptoed out. I strolled through the long and empty halls, windows replaced the roofs and let the gentle light flow through. I took about 2 lefts and 1 right until I came to a dead end. There was a golden door, mixed with the sunset lighting it looked almost enchanted.
I creaked open the door and peeped my head in. There sat a tired king, Philza, surrounded by papers and by the look of it, about to stand up. The creak of the door led him to glance up from his paper and almost glare at me for a split second and then look back down.
"Oh, hi Tommy. Do you need something?" He asked casually. Instead of responding, I walked up to his desk, put the paper, drawing side up, on the table, and then sliding it over to him.
"I made a drawing" I stated proudly. He held it with one hand and raised his eyebrows a smidge.
"That's pretty cool Tommy." He half smiled, "but I'm a bit busy right now, why don't you go show your brothers?" Then he stood up with a handful of papers and shoved past me. I just stood there in shock, everything happened in about half a second.
My confidence was not gone yet though, I slid the paper off of the marble desk and into my hands. Swiftly, I turned around and made my way back to my room.

Many maids and servants watched me as I glided back to my room.  I just glared at them and continued to put my head down.  My heart sunk a bit after the encounter but I know that dad is just busy. He does care a lot, just doesn't have a lot of time to show it... right?  I walked down the bright long halls, the pillars that glowed white and spiraled up the walls.  The glass roof of the main hall domed above, gold framing each panel.  The beige walls hid behind the white pillars so well, the hallway almost seemed miles wide. My eyes shifted to the ground as I inspected the black and white marble squares etched into a checkered pattern. Everything about it seemed heavenly. A dream. A fantasy. To everyone but myself.  As i zoned out, inspecting each plant lining the hallways, each marvelous doorway framing each entrance to another incredible room, I nearly missed my own room.  The door was ajar, and i easily slid in, unnoticed by passing people.  

I let out a breathe i didn't even know I was holding. I gently placed the drawing on top my desk littered in pencils, erasers, and papers. I softly tiptoed towards my glass door, separating me from the balcony. The balcony was just white marble with thick spiraled railings. I placed my hand on the clean glass and looked over the city. Children were running in the fields and climbing trees. Adults were sitting on benches and talking amongst themselves.  Before I even realized it, my eyes were filled to the brim with tears, close to spilling over the edge. My vision blurred and I furiously blinked away the water about to fall.  L'manberg flags hung outside of every citizens' doorstep. Warmth spread across my body, head to toe. I loved it here, the village was beautiful. I just wished I could be there all the time. Not lonely, not bored, but happy. I wish I could have the bright smile on my face that every kid has.  I snapped back into reality when I heard a melody. On one of the tallest hills sat  a group a children. Ages ranged from 10-20 year olds. They were casually singing the Lmanberg anthem. I could barely hear so I opened my balcony doors.  Not moving from my spot seated I slowly started singing along.

"I heard there was a special place, where men could go emancipate the brutality and tyranny of their rulers" My voice barely above a whisper

"Well this place is real you needn't fret. With Philza, Techno, Wilbur, Tommy Minecraft." My voice raising a bit at our names.

"Its a very big and not blown up Lmanberg." My voice and pitch raised until i was basically at a normal volume. Just as the majority of the group began the chorus, I heard a loud clap behind me and spun around. Wilbur had a smirk on his face after he clapped a few more times. 

"Dinner is ready" He said quickly and spun around. I took a few seconds to process what he said and then stood up. Not even bothering to close the door, I speed walked down to the dining room. Once I entered the beige room, I glanced around to see if everyone else was already there. The dark oak table stretched 20 down the room. A red stripe down the middle of the table and a vase filled with flowers decorated the brown table.  Chairs of the same color brown were neatly pushed around the edges, plush red bottom and back of the chairs stood out nicely along with all the lovely detailing. My eyes continued toward the end of the table and rested on my family. My father sat at the head, smiley warmly at Wilbur as he ranted about his day. Phil glanced up when he saw my arrival and nodded his head toward the spot next to Wilbur. It was my seat, furthest way from my dad since Techno sat on the other side, across from Wilbur. 

Wilbur stopped in the middle of his conversation and grinned mischievously at Tommy an spoke, "Your pretty good at singing Toms." He smirked devilishly. Phil, who had been drinking water, choked and almost spit it out. HIs eyebrows were raised to the ceiling as he stared wide eye at me, whilst trying to swallow his water.  I felt my face start burning. 

"I well-no-i-wasn't really...i um well no-" I stuttered out . Wilbur laughed VERY loud directly at my face. This really was just bad. I slumped back in my chair and scowled at Wilbur for a solid minute as he continued to laugh his ass off. 

Suddenly the doors flew open. Techno stood there with a smirk on his face and a proud stance, both hands on his hips.  Wilbur went right back into his laughing fit at the sight. 

"YOU, YOU REALLY THOUGHT YOU DID SOMETHING THERE-" He wheezed and struggled to catch his breath. I not-no-secretly hid my giggling at the frowning Technoblade. Loosing all sense of pride, Techno made his way to his seat. 

"So, what did you guys do today?" Our father asked. And just with that, the topic changed.

"Well first I practiced guitar-" Wilbur started, and with that I zoned out. Just as I began to build up enough courage to talk about drawing today, he lifted his head up just in time to see Wilbur storm out the room and slam the door.

"Yo, wat's up with him?" I asked and stuck my thumb in the direction of the door.  Phil looked at me with a face that said 'Seriously?'  Techno glared at my direction

"Really?! you weren't even paying attention to argument?" He growled.

"Well how was I supposed to know that-" I argued back, utterly confused at what the problem was, but got cut off by Phil slamming his hands on the table. With that he got up and left, leaving Techno and I.

"See what you did?!" He nearly yelled at me, my eyes were already wide at his outburst. Then Techno threw his knife down and glared at me his whole way out and through the door. "You somehow manage to ruin everything." He grumbled on his way out.

I sat alone for a few seconds trying to process. then blinked a final time and silently got up and left.  Going back to my room for another dreadfully long amount of time.

words: 1500

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