Take The Blame

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Tommy pov:

I had a sword in one hand and a guitar in the other, specifically Techno and Wilbur's.  

What should I even do

There where a lot of possibilities. I supposed I could hide them poorly in my room and leave the door open. 

Yeah sure I'll do that

Whatever, after the mark I got left on my arm when they didn't even know for sure that I took their shit, I'm certain that I have a high possibility of being thrown out the highest window. 

Now that I think about it, since I didn't steal it, and even managed to convince them and get away only slightly harmed. They will probably never trust me the the sliver of trust they had left.  

The thought that they will think I lied made me shudder. After all they have have done and I still feel guilty for something I didn't even do. Regardless, I stuffed half the sword under my bed with a thin blanket covering it, showing the outline of the hilt. A small part of the blade was still showing, making it gleam under the sun. If Techno walks by, he will definitely see the sparkle from the corner of his eyes. I smiled to myself sadly at how my plan will work so well just to intentionally get myself in bad trouble. 

I took the guitar gently in my hands and put it under my bed covers and pillows. 

perfectly horrible

I let out the most pathetic laugh and hurried my ass out of there. Without an actual place to go to, I walked down one of the hallways that was always deserted. It was at the very far right of the castle, and wasn't even visible from a front facing view of the place. The entire area was filled with windows until the last room on the left. It had a stargazing roof and a metal frame that wrapped around the roof to the walls and then the floor. The back wall had bookcases that were at least 20 feet tall. A rolling ladder stretched to the top.  It seemed like the top was just wall but what the people of this castle didn't know was that there was a platform up there.

I climbed up the slightly unstable ladder. As the tables and sofas at the bottom got smaller, the freedom of the are above was exhilarating. When I reached the top, A white carpet deep to my ankles was spread across the entire area. It was the length of the bookshelf and about 15 feet in depth. There was a few benches framing it, along with fairy lights that hung along the walls. There was a white ladder in the far corner that was the same color as the wall. I am also pretty sure I am the only person in this entire castle aware of it, being one of the only people in this castle aware of this platform already.  

I walked over to the ladder . It was metal but painted white . It was also attached to the wall so I knew it was stable. Then I put my foot on the first step. I looked up and breathed in. There way only about 10 feet to climb before I would reach the glass trapdoor camouflaged with the metal frame. I then took another step, and another. By the time I was nearly at the top I turned around. I've been up here many times before when escaping arguments, or if I'm not allowed in the fields. 

I took my right hand off the ladder and unlocked the latch holding the trap door. I took the last step, giving me enough arm length to open the door all the way.  A cool, refreshing gust of air pooled down into the warm library. I pulled myself up and onto the glass semicircle dome roof. A stone wall was to right. Though it was only about 4 feet tall. The very top of the dome, where I was currently sitting with my feet still swinging in the hole in the roof where the now-opened trapdoor was. 

I swung my feet up on the dome and scooted closer to the wall. The very top. where  I was sitting, was pretty flat so I didn't slid off. And even if I did. The metal frame at the edge, just before dome roof became a vertical wall, was extended a bit to catch things (and I guess people).

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