Tubbo actually has pov

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Tubbo POV: 

(i honestly was so close to accidentally writing Tommy just out of nature but I didn't)


mama (or whatever variation it may turn to)=Puffy

"IM HOMEEE" I yelled as I entered my cozy cottage and slung my medical bag off my shoulder and onto the nearest table.

"Mum? Mama?" I called out

I quickly slid over the wood floor in my socks, for I had just thrown off my shoes. I skidded to a stop in the kitchen but couldn't find them. I turned past the living room and was about to walk down towards their bedroom when I barely caught the window in the corner of my eye.  I took a double-take and realized that both of them were tending to our garden. I ran to the wood door next to the window and flung it open.

"PUFFYYYY, MUM!" I yelled out and sprinted towards them. Puffy dropped her tools and opened her arms. I jumped at her and she stumbled a bit.

"Where the hell where you?" She asked me, bewildered. Mum walked over and gently set down some dead flowers and other plants' leaves she had cupped in her hands. I climbed down from Puffy and smiled over at Niki. I took her hands and looked at her, not quite eye-level to her yet. Then I wrapped my arms around her.

"Sorry" I mumbled into her shoulder

"Ok, but where were you? We were worried. You don't even know how protective Puffs can get" She said kindly.

"Ok so... soooo.. settle in for this a d v e n t u r e of a story"





We were all in the living room, the kitchen table right behind us, and Mum walked in with tea.

"Are you alright? (oh shit i accidentally made a reference whatever) Are you sick? Do you have a cold? Fever?" she handed me a cup of tea and started pressing her palms all over my cheeks and forehead. I waved her hands away with one hand and gripped my tea with the other.

"So basically, I made a friend_"

"You made a friend!?" Puffy cut me off, bouncing in her seat excitedly

"-Yes- and he lives in the castle and his name is Tommy-"

"PRINCE Tommy?!" Puffy was now throwing her arms around, to make herself even more dramatic.

"Let him continue" Mum spoke up, and put her hand up signaling Puffy to stop fucking interrupting me.

"Ok so I talked to him yesterday in the fields and he kinda just liked talked to me and we really got it going. Then he panicked and left really quickly cuz he didn't want to get in trouble. Then later I saw this kid, his name is Ranboo, running out of the castle and he kinda accidentally got Tommy in trouble cuz Ranboo stole something from Technoblade and Wilbur and Ranboo had Tommy return it to them or something. Then as me and Ranboo were walking away, we pasted some bushes that had windows and we saw Techno and Wilbur beating the absolute shit-"

"Language" Puffy added quickly

"Puffy shut the fuck up" Niki said

"-so they were beating the absolute shit out of Tommy and Ranboo was panicking and I had to calm him down and them I rushed home to get a med kit and by the time I came back, Wilbur and Techno had already left so I went in and took care of Tommy with Ranboo and-" My words kept getting quicker and quicker like I was back in the moment. Until I finally realized and started talking normally again."- then me and Ranboo woke up to Tommy who was off the couch and sneaking around cuz like someone broke into the castle or something and were roaming the halls, we later find out that they weren't robbers but they were Techno and Wilbur, then me and Ranboo woke up and got off the couch. Tommy was hiding at one end of the room by the bookcase and me and Ranboo were hiding at the other and then suddenly the bookcase flipped us on the other side and- Oh my god Mama it was so scary and I didn't know what was happening" Before I knew it, tears slipped down my face and both my mums moved beside me and comforted me as I continued," But the walls were like one-sided, and you could look through them like glass on the other side. We were like in betweeen the walls and then me and Ranboo walked down the walls closer to Tommy who was fiddling with something and suddenly the bookcase flipped and Tommy was let in and then we calmed down and holy shit there was this scary person right behind us trying to get into the other side of the bookcase thing and then we all ran and busted through the wall and the cloak person was chasing us and then the wall closed on their hand and then we discover Wilbur and Techno were roaming the halls and they found us and then Ranboo, Tommy, and me went back to Tommy's room and fell asleep after whatever the fuck just happened and then we woke up and I ran back home" The words kept flowing as I tried to describe what happened the previous night, though nothing was making sense. Mum and Mama just hugged me as I attempted to drink my hot tea with my shaky hands.

"I-I dont know what to say" Mum  whispered

"That was very brave of you" Mama wiped the tears off my face. 

we sat in comfort for a while until I dozed off




It seemed to be around after noon when I woke back up. Both my mums were in the kitchen and I was well rested. I rubbed my eyes and stood up. Slowly, I made my way into the kitchen and grabbed a piece of toast off the counter. Puffy was cooking potatoes for dinner and Niki was washing other vegetables and fruits.

"Good afternoon" Mama said

"Are you ok now? How did you sleep?" Mum said, attention on me

"yeah im ok, I think I'm gonna take a walk and get some fresh air" I chewed my toast

"OK, just be back before dinner" Mama said and Niki smiled kindly before I threw away my trash and headed to the door. 

I slipped on my shoes and skipped out the door. I was about halfway to the other side (Im literally listing to otherside by lena raine when I wrote that wtf) of town, where the  bookstore was as well as the other field. The field that wasn't close to the castle.  Just when I saw the halfway mark, I was shoved against a wall.



He pushed me back into a more concealed path and slowly his minions began to surround me.  He slammed my head into the stone wall behind me. The walls were so close together that a shadow casted over the whole crews heads. Dylan's 'friends' snickered and made fun of me as Dylan tried to kick me. I slid down the wall and curled into fetal position, yet Dylan just kick my exposed side. I would try to fight back, its not like Dylan was that strong, but he had a shit ton of backup with him. I heard a light-hearted chuckle from a distance and looked up. I sat up a little and stuck my head out of the 'alley' a bit, which also exposed my chest, which also led to Dylan front kicking my chest with all the power he has. And that led to be falling over completely and sprawled with my body on the sidewalk and not hidden. I coughed and gasped for air until a pair of shoes appeared to be coming closer to me on the ground.

"Oh hey, your that kid from the hall with Tommy last night!"\

wrods: 1330

Ayup im glad i actually got to update. you'll probably get some more chapters before the chance that I may accidentally drop off the face of the planet for a month due to midterms 

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