Well then..

394 12 2

starting : 6/12/2022

or at least i think im starting now

ok dude, ive expirienced like some degree of writers block before. writers block when i have ideas but cant seem to write them. but that is nothing on this. Like my thought are so far away, it takes too much energy to even think about this fanfic. Like iwanna write, i rly do, but i just cant even bring myself to think of an idea. So please bear with me this chapter for i am relying on ideas from little bulletpoints from my pile of ff ideas

POV Tubbo:

"Tommy are you ok?"


"What are you doing?"

"Wait no-"



Everything progressed so quickly. Tommy basically shoved my hands off of his knees and backed away from me. What is going on with him? I tried to get up and follow him, but Ranboo held me back. I turned to swat his arm off my shoulder. We made eye contact and he signaled me with his eyes to look back at where Tommy was running off to.  He was already past the wall, and following through would be like trespassing.

What is up with him?

Why did he just leave?

Did I do something?

I'm not even sure anymore. I haven't been sure of a lot of things recently. These past few days have been.. forget it. Not worth trying to put into words. 

words: 225

JK MOTHERFUCKER YOU THOUGHT, lmao the chapter is not over quite yet, we still got about 1000 words more to go and i do not have 1000 more thoughts to make them. Anyways back to the story

Ranboo POV: 

I patted Tubbo's shoulder until he calmed down. I know a lot has been on his mind, and half of it was Tommy. Worry, confusion, I couldn't tell you all of it. Mainly because I don't know all of it. 

After Tubbo calmed down he finally noticed his bleeding lip and busted knee. His breath quickened again, and I sat crisscross in front of him just so he knew I was still there. I watched him open his palm and swirl his fingers in a bit. Watching his own hand intently. Suddenly his hand sparked and I jumped. The corners of his mouth turned up at me. The yellow light flickered, but then died out. I saw how Tubbo's face contorted, into a face of disappointment.  I didn't know whether to reassure him or ask what that was and what he was doing. 

"I- uh. What were you trying to do?" I asked as carefully as possible. But I could already see that I chose the wrong question. "Hey! Um i-it was cool, I remember you doing it earlier haha" I forced a chuckle, a desperate attempt in trying to redeem myself.

OVERLOOKED ROYALTY (SBI Tommy angst)Where stories live. Discover now