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Tommy POV: 

I woke up to dim light. When I opened my eyes, it didn't even look like sunrise. When my vision cleared up, the room was dead as a mouse. The pain in my body was just a small aching. Tubbo really works magic I guess. Then I saw a slow light fading out down the hall. It had the flickering of a torch. That then sparked my interest. I peeled Tubbo's arm off my shoulder and I sat up. A soft pattering of footsteps faintly echoed through the corridor. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Tubbo and Ranboo were knocked out dead asleep on the couch, sprawled out. I wobbled onto my feet. The footsteps that used to be walking away, now sounded to be walking closer and more urgent. Panic settled in my body and I quickly ducked closer to the bookshelf. The bookshelf was more in the shadows and also in the blind spot of the door that was opened halfway. I suddenly worried for my friends.  They were still out, exposed, on the couch.  

That the fuck

Honestly I'm still not too sure what's happening. Is this a break in?" In all my life of living here, I never once have seen people walking the halls at night, much less like fucking robbers. 

Their footsteps stopped a few feet before the door. I heard faint whispering. The footsteps and whispers made me assume that either 2 or 3 people were there. I pushed myself into the bookcase until I feel something cold touch my arm. I bite back a yelp and quickly spun around to see a the simple sliding ladder behind me. Just before I turned back around, there was a book that caught my eye between two of the ladder steps closest to me level. It was a scuffed royal blue book with a gold lace stitching. It was the height of a normal book but almost 5 inches thick. It must've been 2000 pages at least. The book didn't look like the others. It looked almost ancient. I glided my pointer finger over the plain spine and put my thumb and finger on both sides to pull it out. As I slide it out of place, the cover seemed to be the same as the rest. Once it was pulled out halfway, I felt a small snug on the book and suddenly a whole chunk of the bookcase was moving. A 4ft wide, as tall as the whole bookcase, section started spinning around soundlessly. I was confused and mesmerized, then suddenly a hand pulled mine to the other side. I tried to be quiet but I also felt like screaming like a little child.  The hand just grabbed me from the darkness and pulled me into a secret space in the wall so I feel like my feeling of fear are validated.  

As I was yanked behind the wall, it shut, locking me in here with this horrifying somebody. Suddenly I heard what sounded like a snap and whoosh, then a little spark turned into a bigger one. In which was probably a candle. I looked in front of me to see the person that was basically pushing me against the back of the bookcase thing and secret door. Their hands was still gripping my arm. I could make out the light brown outline of their hair from the candle behind them. I squinted and saw big brown eye full of concern. Suddenly they hugged me and I knew immediately who it was.......Tubbo. I gasped in shock and relief and hugged him back. I then looked past his head and saw Ranboo holding the candle with shaky hands. I took my right arm off Tubbo and opened it wide enough for another hug. Ranboo shuffled over and leaned in whilst trying not to catch us on fire. Wait..how did they even get here. I turned around and saw the couch empty. I turned back around to face them. We kind of waddled away from our group hug and then I had a big thought

um wtf where am i huh wtf huh what

That was when I looked around. The walls were fucking see through? I turned around and saw the whole library setup. When I tried to touch it, it just feltlike normal wall. The other side of the wall was just the empty dark room of next door, with a huge window that the moonlight shone through. What was weird was that, the only way to see was the stone floor and roof. The fire seemed to flicker against the non existent walls. 

Im inbetween the walls? what..

The 'hallway' seemed to go on in miles in both directions. It was the black fucking abyss. 


"Where are we" I asked Tubbo

"In da walls, bossman" He responded. I raised an eyebrow but didn't question it.  I heard a creak and  I spun around only to jump out of my skin. When I say I hit the other side of the wall and slapped my hands over my mouth to not screech I'm not joking.


 A person in a fucking black robe, covering everything on their face, was standing right behind me, bent over to my height, and only inches away from my face had every right to scare me shitless. They was basically staring at me without his eyes.  Tubbo was ghost white and Ranboo nearly dropped his candle he was holding. Nobody dared utter a peep, I restrained from my jagged breathing, unlike the person in 'front' of us who was breathing very loudly and aggressively. I forgot that there was a wall between us. They must've known someone was here. Even though all they could see was a bookcase.  I was shaking out of my mind, and Ranboo and Tubbo had jumped out of their skin. (Even just writing this gives me the chills)


 The horror sight of a person had reached their hand up to the same place I saw the book at. Ranboo cupped his hand around the candle light without actually touching the flame to block most of the light it was producing. I felt a hand grasp mine and I flinched hard. The faint light of the candle showed Tubbo's face. He tugged on my and started walked down the hallway, I took Ranboo's hand away from the flame he was cupping and we shakily went in a single person line down the thin, dark 'hallway'. The cloaked man's head snapped up at us as we soundlessly walked to the same way the hallway was when you exited the library. (did that make sense?)  I speed walked in complete silence and peeped small glances back at the creepy person still fiddling around with what they only saw as books in our one way window thing. They had gloves on their hands that were black. Tubbo stopped suddenly and I softly bumped into him, with Ranboo slowly bumping into me.  The black hallway wasn't dark. Their was the hallway infront of us and two different ways to go, left or right. The only way you could tell that the secret wall/hallway has ended was because the stone floor stopped, expect for the left and right hallways. There was the 'glass-looking' wall in front of us and we didn't know what to do. Going left would lead us to the library doorway and right would lead us to another door way. Suddenly I heard a click behind us and we all snapped our heads that way. About 20ft behind us, the see-through wall area started spinning and a hand reached through. Panicked, I reached over Tubbo's shoulder and put my fingers against the one sided wall. A rippled went through it as it crumpled with little pixels floating away, revealing an opening in the secret passageway of the walls                                    

words: 1333

This kinda got spooky and sorry it took so long for this chapter, I had a bunch of shit for school and stuff. I'll try to update a but more Ig. Its honestly funny that the plot and story almost changes as I write it 

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