Wilbur also has plot

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ok i want to say that midterms are this week and school has been shit about it aswell as other things take up time, i had a good idea whilst doing the fockin dishes so i decided to write it but this chapter may not come out for a while idk

Wilbur POV:

I walked away after I had just told Tommy, and maybe Ranboo, to meet me at the library at 8pm. My once proud posture was now slinking behind. My head that used to be raised high in the halls, was turned down. 


Last night


After everyone left the dark hallway, I sat there. I scanned the dried blood on the walls and the floor. When I finally picked myself off of the floor and left the hallway, I walked to the music room. I walked away from our rooms and closer to the main doors. Once I made it to the room, I picked up my music sheets and lines I had scribbled down. Just before leaving and going back to my room, I walked some more. I glided carefully along the halls until I was face to face with the front door. The main entrance to the castle. I knew I couldn't go outside, at least through those, for the guards were only mere feet away from that very door on that side. I debated walking around to one of the side doors or cutting straight through and leaving through the back. I was leaning closer to the latter and shifted by body away from the door when I felt a cold hand grip my shoulder.

I couldn't find the voice to scream, but thankfully if Techno had done anything good for me in all of our years, it was waking me up at the brink of dawn and shoving me into a training-

ok well maybe not THAT part, but the reflexes he tested on me were insane. I didn't really appreciate getting my legs swept out from under me when I'm in the middle of walking down a hallway. 

When I felt the hand touch my shoulder, I didn't even have to pause and think before my hand flew back and tried to slap away whatever it was. I turned into my, very rusted over the years, fighting stance as my hand was still dangling unable to stop the momentum. My head whipped around, and my eyes darted when no one was behind me. It was like I had swatted at dust. Shivers struck like lightning bolts and rattled my bones. Goosebump crawled upon my face, tingling the back of my neck. Each hair on my arms stuck up widely alert. Anxiety creeped around me, and I jerked my head in each direction, fearing someone was behind my back. 

Suddenly the shadows in the rooms seemed to burn darker, the cold, still air sat soundlessly. The silence seemed to dare someone to make a noise, whether it was a door creak or a light sound of breathing. 

When nothing more came, it only made me more unsettled. I held my breath whilst my feet led me away. I continued to look behind my shoulder, with an odd feeling deep in my core. I crossed my arms over my chest and rubbed my forearms. The chills did not seem to leave until I realized i was finally close to the bedroom. Tommy's bedroom was in the hall next to me and mine and techno's bedrooms were a hall over. An urge, of either protectiveness or just the desire for some comfort, brought me next to Tommy's door. I looked both ways one final time, the moon angled enough to brighten the majority of the hall, unlike the other ominous halls. Maybe it was the hallway itself that was nice, not like it was because Tommy was here no no couldn't be. 

With my ear against the door, I heard faint snoring. Multiple people's snoring. 

If it was any normal night, then I would probably have enough common since to assume it was Tommy and his other friends that randomly popped into existence today. But since I was more on edge at the moment, i still felt the need to open his door. I didn't quite realize that it most definitely changed since I last had enough time to actually look at it. Years ago, his room seemed minimalistic and simple, but now there was hung up art pieces on the walls, tapestries hung from the ceiling and in corners of the room. He had a window seat with cozy blankets and pillows. His room was actually really nice compared to how formal everyone else's was. 

On his bed were the three teens, all laying in different directions I found myself subconsciously smiling at the sight. How Ranboo was laying over the pillows at the head of the bed. His head was at the right side and his feet nearly hung off at the other end. Tommy's head was at the bottom right side by the footboard, and he laid diagonally across the bed with his feet by Ranboo's torso. Tubbo's head was nearly hanging off on the far-left side against the footboard. He was curled into a ball there. They were all laying on top of the covers with their shoes lazily kicked off-

What is wrong with me

I rubbed my hands over my eyes

I even know all their names, wtf Wilbur

Well actually no I'm going to blame that on the fact that Techno somehow found out by eavesdropping and decided that he wanted to take mental notes but out loud by saying 'insanely tall kid is Rainbow, wait no Ranboo. The short brown-haired mop is Tubbo.' And I happened to be standing right there

There was physically no way that my bitchy annoying ass brother's existence itself was comforting. I racked my brain for other reasons (excuses) for this to not be completely abnormal

It could be just because a person being there that I knew was comforting since I was spooked being in that hallway and its dark and late

I silently applauded myself for using what seemed like common since, and defiantly was a 'Technoblade-ey' reason to think of

With a bit more pride, and less pussiness, I left the room. Not before sneaking one more glance. Then I carefully closed the door and walked back to my room. Techno's door right besides me.



Back to 'now' time




I strolled through the castle, trying to find a thing to distract myself with for the next like 10-11 hours- 

holy shit 11 hours


it was actually 1111 exactly

anyways thanks for reading, im finally free of school and being busy for christmas, for the next week and a half im ready to absolutely FUCK UP my sleep scheduale. And that most likely means updates wooooooo i have too many ideas but then get carried away writing about something not even in the multiple ideas and povs i had planned wooooo0o0o0o0o0o

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