woo chapter

440 21 2

ok I just finished reading passerine and im literally shattered, nothing has broken me like that fanfic- ok correction- FEW things have broken me like that did

ok anyways Im going to try to write rn but im fucking tired so well see how far this goes 

its currently 3/13/2022 tho its night so its rly only 3/12/2022 but WHATEVER

Tommy POV:

When Tubbo shrieked, I swear I heard birds fall from the sky. Ranboo jumped back with his hands pressed to his ears; dazed. I looked at him confused, Ranboo blinked slowly a few times. I simply shrugged to myself and looked back to Tubbo. He had a hand over his chest and exhaled.

I never knew scaring someone could lead to this fucking series of dramatic reactions

"ow that hurts" I turned to see Ranboo said it; hands still clamped to the sides of his head

"What hurts?" I asked

"The freaking ringing" He groaned

"What ringing? You hearin shit now?" I laughed it off, then turned back to Tubbo

He was slowly recovering of a heart attack. Then Tubbo took his hand away from his heart and smiled at me. 

"You just scared the ever-living-shit out of me" He spoke all with a smile. It was honestly kinda scary. 

"Uh- sorry?" I questioned

"... dont worry about it!" His mood changed quickly

Ranboo finally seemed to come back to his senses and stumbled over to us. I watched in silence as he rubbed his eyes and abruptly stood up. 

"You just screamed so loud I thought I was going to spontaneously combust" He breathed with humor

"Hmph- it wasn't THAT loud, you just scared me" Tubbo's faced scrunched, a light blush of embarrassment crawled onto his face. 

"Well! Now that that's out of the way! hey Tubbo, basically since your kinda doing nothing and coincidentally here, and WE are also coincidentally here, lets... do something!" I cheered, trying to bring some kind of exciting energy to our conversation. Doing so all trying to answer any questions under 'who; Ranboo and I, what; we have no idea, when; right now, where; here, why; nobody knows'.  

"Mhm, sure sounds great." Ranboo wheezed

And thats what led Tubbo to be hanging from a tree. 

"STOP laughing at me its not funny!" Tubbo laughed along we and Ranboo despite his remark. 

He was about 20 feet in the air and I was another 20 feet above.

Ranboo insisted he stayed on the ground. 

Tubbo dangled from his hands. His legs were kicking around like a toddler

I, however, was just high enough in the tree that the branches were thin and still sturdy. Which lead to me hanging from my knees, 40 ft in the air. The wind whistled so loudly; I could only hear Tubbo's shrill laughter. The blood rushed to my head uncomfortably fast. All I could hear was the wind and a heartbeat pounding in my ears. Something about it seemed all too familiar, though i couldn't put my finger on it. When I closed my eyes, I couldn't find myself able to open them. The pounding grew louder, and the wind faded out. I tried to bring my hands to my head but they hung like a weight. I could just barely feel the tingling sensation in my upper body. I panicked internally but could not even move my slack face. It was not entirely dark. Since it was day, a red/grey light shadowed through my eyelids. 

When a brighter grey peaked through, I thought my eyes had finally opened at last.

But I could still not move

And I could still not hear

Only then did I realize what was occurring

It was too late.

It happened all the time, but when I was hanging upside down from a tree my only thought was: 

now? seriously? right now?

I felt my body go slack. The bend of my knees around the branch loosened. I slid slowly. Gravity clung to my arms, which now hung beside my ears. Tree bark tore through the skin on my calves. I fought for the heels of my feet to grasp the branch before I slipped. 

Before I slipped from the tree. 

Before I slipped from consciousness. 

Darkness clawed at the corners of my vision. Quickly I could not see.

But I could feel.

I could feel the warm blood drip down- well technically up- the back of my legs. I could feel the tree sway. I could feel the branch bend from my weight. 

I could hear.

I could hear soft chatter from below me. But more prominently, I could hear the birds screech and squeal. I could hear the leaves rustle. I could hear the low whistle of wind.

 I could taste.

I could taste the acid crawling up my throat. I could taste the saliva pooling in my mouth, without being able to move enough of a muscle to swallow. 

I could smell.

I could smell crisp leaves, which have long lost their morning dew. I could smell the humidity in the air. Humidity that only comes from what I assume to be an oddly new thunder cloud. 

Then the process continued:

A numbing tingling started in my fingertips and feet. Then slowly expanded up my arms and legs. By the time it reached my ribs, I couldn't feel anything. Once it reached my neck, I took one last breathe before everything went silent and I couldn't even taste the rusty metallic blood on my lips. I couldn't smell the leaves that hung inches in front of my face. I couldn't even feel myself fall.


I dont even have the energy to apologize. I know it's been like months. Every time I promise to be better about my updates, I just get more inconsistent. i'm going on vacationb without my computer but ill probably type on my phone or just write pen and paper then transferr it. After that I'll probably dropo of the face of my wattpad accound until finals are over. OR ill update like once or twice becuz i will have decided 'who needs to study for finals when you can write?'

or not

who knows

anyways goodnight/day kings 

only like half of this is proofread

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