He doesn't believe me

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Tommy POV:

Techno pulled out this random medical glove that he for some reason has in his pocket and picked up the gloved hand. I don't even want to know why he had a glove in his pocket. Meanwhile, Wilbur looks like he is trying to compose himself from shitting his pants. I was still leaning into Tubbo and now Ranboo had basically joined our little huddle. Both there faces were just concerned and fearful. 

"Its to late for this shit, I'm going to bed" Techno grumbled. He casually picked up the lifeless hand and walked off. 

Me and Wilbur made eye contact and he grimaced. I just lowered my gaze and turned to  looked back at Tubbo. I starting getting up silently and held a hand out for each of da bois. We got up and looked down at Wilbur who was still sitting on the floor. His face was blank as if he was trying to process whatever just happened. He looked around at the sorts of blood on the floor like he was simply confused. Mouth a gaped. 

eh whatever im going to bed

wait what about ranboo and tubbo

yknow what, we are just going to my room

I dragged them out of the hallway, leaving Wilbur in the dust. We opened the doors and I silently walked back to my room, still bringing Tubbo and Ranboo along with me. They didn't seem to argue as we collectively took places, sprawled out on different parts of my humongous bed, too exhausted to care or even think about whatever the hell just happened.

in the morning

I shifted and felt my foot touch something cold. My eyes flew open, but were quickly shut when the small amount of light from the window was still too much for my exhausted eyes. After a second of rubbing the spots from my vision, I looked over to see what my foot touched, and was shocked to see that it was Ranboo's arm. My body launched into the air and I was now sitting up. I tried recalling the events from last night but everything seemed to be a blur of crying, pain, and......people? I don't know.  I brought my feet up and swung them off the bed, barely missing Tubbo. Then placed them on the cold floor. Shivers went up my spine, with each step towards the window. Based on the fact that the sun was barely risen, it was maybe 6:30-7am? ̶M̶̶y̶̶ ̶̶d̶̶a̶̶d̶     Phil would wake up in maybe an hour, as well as the rest of the people in the castle. It was Wednesday and not even Techno gets up early on Wednesdays. Wilbur often gets to sleep whenever he wants, he just has to be up before noon. I have a few options. In which I should probably wake up the 2 people in my bedroom to answer my question. They just might want to get home before their parents wake up and realize they still are not home.

hmmm should I wake them up peacefully or should I be an annoying piece of shit?

Since I don't want to wake up anyone else, even though the rest of my family is literally in the hall over...excluded much. 

I slowly leaned on the bed, reaching for the person closest to me...Ranboo. I poked his arm and stuck my head in his face.

"Ranboo, hey Ranboo wake up you..uh..dipshit?" I said, trying to get him to fucking finally wake up. Hs eyelids slowly peeled open, but as soon as he saw the light, he pulled and his hands over his eyes and turned over. By now I was getting a little impatient. I shook him by his shoulders. He swatted away my hands. I groaned and rolled my eyes as his behavior. 

"Ughh Ranboo wake the actual fuck up." I was now at a normal talking voice. He finally rolled back over to me.

"H-huh, wait what" He said, clearly confused.  I stared at him, making sure he was awake enough to not fall back asleep before I went around the bed to Tubbo. His head was almost hanging off. I ran my fingers through his hair and crouched down beside the bed.

"Tubboooo, wake up." I whispered. Thankfully his eyes fluttered open on the first time unlike someone, *cough* Ranboo *Cough*.

Tubbo's eyes squinted at me like he was trying to remember who I am. Suddenly his eyes widened and he jolted up. Almost hitting me in the nose in the process. 

"Should ya'll be home by now?"

"Oh shit" Tubbo muttered.

"My mums are gonna kill me." He rubbed his eyes

"Ranboo, how about you?" I asked

"Oh I doubt they even noticed I was gone" He awkwardly chuckled. Tubbo and I frowned at that but it was clear Ranboo wanted to move on.

"okkaayyy"  I responded. We all sat in silence before Tubbo stood up abruptly and headed towards the door. He paused and looked back at us, signally us to follow. I stood up and dragged Ranboo onto his feet and after Tubbo. The door creaked open and we silently followed Tubbo. Our feet pattering against the cold floor. I was the only person barefoot, since it technically was my room. I didn't know exactly where we were headed, as I still dragged the sleepy Ranboo by his hand after Tubbo. He turned left out of my room and back into the same old hallway. yep, the same bloody old crusty gruesome hallway. It still had the blood on he floor, and the dark red dried on the wall it was once dripping from. Tubbo pranced around it and into the library. Me and Ranboo were still silently following behind him. We walked into the library, I almost forgot about the odd occurrence until I looked back at the bookshelf. A shiver went down my spine just at the thought of whatever supernatural thing we saw last night. 

My attention was snapped back when I heard a ruffling and looked back at Tubbo. He was simply putting his medical supplies back in his satchel from the table in front of the couch we spent an unreasonable amount of time on. 

I finally let go of Ranboo's hand, yet he was now slunched over with his tall figure and leaning on me. Tubbo was frantically shoving items in his satchel until it was stuffed and couldn't even close. 

Suddenly his eyes got even wider and he looked at me, then around the room, then back at me. 

"How... do I leave?" He asked anxious. I looked around the library with him and my eyes anded on a door on the outer window/wall. I pointed excitedly and grabbed Tubbo's and Ranboo's hands and ran over to the door. There was a lock that would only open from the inside. Forunetly, we are on the inside. I let go of Tubbo's hand and quickly unlocked it and let the cold air in.

"Oh! My house is just over there, there isn't even a wall blocking it! Bye Ranboo! Bye Tommy!" He spun around to give us both a side hug. Then he sprinted down the hill. I watched his bag nearly fly as he sprinted freely for roughly 10 seconds before I closed and locked the door and slowly exited the library. Ranboo look at me and we basically spoke with our eyes, what we should currently do. At least he was awake now and I no longer had to drag him. We left the library and I dodged my own blood sprayed on the floor. I didn't want dry blood on my feet today, no thank you. 

We reached the doors to the main hallway. But don't get this mixed up with the MAIN main hallway. We are simply exiting to a larger hallway my room happens to be in. 

I touched the cold metal handle and turned it til' it clicked. I swung it open and stepped out, ramming into something. My once shut eyes peaked open and slowly lifted from the ground, shoes, pants, vest, and yep its Wilbur. Looking as confused and baffled as ever.

 words: 1357


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