Im not even gonna try titling this because idk where this chapter is going

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Sry for not writing as much. Just school ig and the fact that im trying to fix my sleep scheduale. also i read on wattpad much more than i write

Tommy POV:

I walked away with Ranboo. At first I was dragging him but now it seemed to be at an equal pace between us.  I felt my eyes stare in front of me. I kept blinking, to focus, but my mind was elsewhere. My hand slowly started the slip from Ranboo's, the more I spaced out. My whole body went slack and I slowed down drastically.

"..Tommy?" Ranboo looked back at me concerned. I tried to reply but it felt like I suddenly couldn't move anything. It was like I was trapped in a void, desperately banging against the walls of my own mind to get out but I couldn't escape. Suddenly I could see distantly but through my eyes, like looking through a camera. Darkness was enveloping around me but I could still see the blurry scene in front of me through a peep hole. Ranboo was kneeling in front of me. 

Was I on the floor?

I didnt feel my knees buckle 

I closed my eyes slowly. When I opened them I saw something I didn't expect. I saw a home, lovely home might I add. It was very cozy looking, and full of warm colors. A feminine person (Cus we dont assume gender here)  with burnt orange hair. Their hair was covering their eyes and the rest of their face was in the shadow of the window light.  They were sitting on a couch surrounded by candles even though the curtain were pulled open, letting the crisp sunrise illuminate the room slowly. The person was reading a book, a very large book might I add. The words were big and small all over the page, with different fonts. It looked like it has millions of subtitles and headings. I couldn't read it because it appeared upside down to me, from a onlooking perspective,  but I could tell it was about something important.

(Who would willingly learn something like it is an assignment in a textbook?)




(I feinally came back to this chapter and im gonna try to write but i was just trick or treating and now my hands are really fucking cold and weak and still not really working even thouhg ive been inside for an hour)




(it is the next day and ive realized that i had mild hypothermia last night :D]

[back to the story]

The mysterious person was sat quietly. But a loud wail caused their head to snap up after being nose deep in their book. They stood up abruptly, putting the book facedown.  They looked me dead in my eyes and I caught my breath in my throat. I held it there whilst the person quickly speed walked into me... no...through me, as if I didn't exist. I spun around to see where they were going. A staircase was behind me. an entire house was behind me. To the right of the stairs was a kitchen. It was homey and full of fall colors. To the left was a hallway lit by the sunlight coming from the living room window. The hall had three doors and all of them were open: one that looked like a bathroom, one like a guest room, and the other I couldn't see very well by the angle I was standing at. I refocused my attention back to the person speed walking up the stairs. The blanket that was previously wrapped around them slowly continued to fall the farther up the stairs they walked.  It revealed a simple dark red corset dress, and a short sleeved button up underneath.

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