Cared for??

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(Im very sleep deprived so I made this chapter more into humorous shit, instead of just serious s a d n e s s)

Tommy: POV

Tubbo had a med satchel in his left hand and was aggressively rubbed the tears out of his eyes with the other hand. Like damn, did his best friend die-

oh wait shit,

As he headed towards me, he cried out, " TOMMY!!" He threw down the medical supplies and wrapped his arms around me, careful to avoid any REALLY injured areas. He pulled the supplies out and slipped the strap onto his shoulder. Then he held out his hands to me. I still had tears running down my face, probably from the excruciating pain I was in.

"Tubbo" My voice wavered, barely even a whisper. Yeah no, I kind of couldn't talk, mainly the fact of; I was choked nearly to death against a wall. I almost forgot about my windpipe that was closing up, for I spaced out and got kicked and punched and became a limp body. Now that I was fully aware of how much pain I'm actually in. I can feel the blood dripping from my nose, and my throat, and my side, and my legs, and probably my arms too. Wouldn't be a surprise.

Tubbo hauled me up against his shoulders and dragged me down the hall and too the only open door at the very end. The library. Not like I didn't just exit the deserted library no one knows 30 minutes ago. Tubbo still had tears streaking his cheeks, but that didn't stop him from pulling out the bandages, gauze, any kind of open wound treatment, and just a bunch of other stuff I don't know the names to.

"How does your throat feel" He turned on doctor mode even though his voice was shaking and cracking

"liKE-" I tried to speak but it came out as some weird ass raspy sounds. I decided I would just convert to whispering," Like shit" I silently chuckled in misery.

"Yeah no you don't have to talk" He nervously scratched the back of his neck, "If you need or want to whisper you can though."

And then he opened some bottles and packages and look over at me,

"Look up" He instructed. And I did so. He applied an ointment that almost looked buttery, expect for the grinded up bits of herbs you could barely see. When he touched my neck with his bare hands, covered in ointment, a shock of pain went through my spine. It burned like hell. Like I was being skinned alive. And that process continued for every wound.

By the time he finally pulled out the gauze and bandages to cover it. I heard a deep breathe of air that DEFINETLY didn't come from Tubbo. I looked in the doorframe and...thankfully...saw Ranboo bent over and wheezing whilst trying to catch his breath. He also looked like crap. His hair was greasy and his eyes were also still puffy. He made his way over and pulled up a chair next to Tubbo. Tubbo looked over at him and smiled faintly. Ranboo returned the same sad smile

"You guys know each other" I croaked out

"Oh, um yeah! I met him when I saw him racing out of the castle earlier." Tubbo explained. He looked back at Ranbboo but he zoned out. He stared at the not-yet bandaged wounds on my body and muttered, "Its all my fault"

"hey, hey no it isn't" I comforted," This is 10 times better than you getting thrown in jail for the rest of your life. Plus, I said yes fully aware some like this was gonna happed. I just didn't know it would be this bad" I finished off. Ranboo's blank face was replace with a small, warm smile. I smiled in return, even though it hurt every bruise on my face to do so.

Tubbo finally remebered the bandages in his hands and picked them back up. his hands gently glided to my throat. He put a big amount of gauze, and a little medical tape for it to stay. he didn't want to choke me with bandages. I stood up so he could wrap my lower body.

By the time he was all finished, he put away all his bandages and sat on the couch to my right. I laid down on my back and put my head in his lap. He slowly started to detangle my messy(kind of bloody) hair. Then, before I knew it, Ranboo sat on Tubbo's right side and slightly behind him. Then he put his arms over tubbo's shoulders and rested his chin there as well.

(Disclaimer, this is all platonic and I think we all needed that small bit of comfort in here. IF YOU FIND THIS ROMANTIC THEN GET OUT OF HERE YOU NASTY FUCKS-)

We all sat there comfortably for maybe an hour. I think I may have dozed on and off a few times. Because one time I woke up and Ranboo was off of the couch and doing cartwheels in the library, unless that was a dream. There was also another time when I woke up and Tubbo was laying on the floor and staring into Ranboo's soul. That has just as much of a chance of a dream.

I also think I heard Ranboo and Tubbo talking and most likely getting to know each other. By the time I woke up for what seemed to be a seventh time, We had all changed positions on the couch. Ranboo was laying down sideways, with his head propped up on the armrest. His arm was hanging off the couch. Tubbo had his head up against Ranboo's side and huddled up under where his arm was just hanging. I was laying with my head on Tubbo torso, and he had an arm wrapped around my shoulder. It was very comfortable I won't lie. It was also something I never would have thought would happen in a million years. Considering the fact that I barely even had friends, and everyone else that 'loved' me, was never fond of just simple touch. Yes, I am very touch starved.

I finally looked around the room and realized it was dark. That was when I looked up and saw that the glass roof now showed a black abys with millions of little lights beaming in an array of patterns. It was beautiful. The pain in my body had subsided from the medicine, so I could finally enjoy something.

wow, this is what it feels like to actually be loved and cared for

the bittersweet thought carried me into my eighth time falling asleep here.

poggers, its night again, and yes, this was rushed. i couldnt really check it. But this entire school day I have been thinking about this and i also got home late so I just had to write it down before I forgot, so yeah that was a nice chapter anyways GOODNIGHTTTT

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