
452 18 14

started this chapter on 4/9/2022 lmao 


and now i gotta see how long it takes for me to write this

Tommy POV:  


A numbing tingling started in my fingertips and feet. Then slowly expanded up my arms and legs. By the time it reached my ribs, I couldn't feel anything. Once it reached my neck, I took one last breathe before everything went silent and I couldn't even taste the rusty metallic blood on my lips. I couldn't smell the leaves that hung inches in front of my face. I couldn't even feel myself fall.

(Btw this is NOT like lucid dreaming. He is not aware that this is like a flashback or whatever. idk why but this felt necessary to clarify)

I opened my eyes for the seventh time in the last hour. The bright white light of the moon made falling asleep impossible. The curtains of my windows were pulled apart and tied in knots of rope. No matter how long I had spent trying to undo the knots, I simply couldn't. My fingers we slender, but not strong enough for the tight knot. 

My bed felt uncomfortable. Sometimes I would get hot and strip the blankets from my body and fish my thin arms out and on top of my sheets. Then I would get cold and bundle in blankets, pull on fuzzy socks, yet shiver regardless.  Even though, a few times, I got it just perfect; my sleeping position immaculate. And that would be when I would feel my hair ich the back of my neck, the urge to scratch the bug bites on my skin. 

It was never ending. 

 For several minutes I just laid there. Eyes wide open, analyzing my own room. My socked feet were beginning to sweat; another heat flash awaiting me. 

Just when I couldn't stand- or technically lay- my restlessness anymore, I flung the sheets and covers from my bed and sat up. I sat up so quickly, my vision swirled for a second before leveling. The static of my bed left each hair on my arms standing. I then hopped off the bed, onto the floor. I could almost feel the cold tile through my socks. Though the cold air felt refreshing. 

I slid across the floor and to my door. My small frame slipped out quickly, closing the door silently behind me. The hall was illuminated by the moon. I stood in the middle of the halls and spun in a circle, arms flailing beside me in the air. After I regained my balance, I walked along the left of the hall, fingertips trailing along each crevice of the wall. I absentmindedly walked. Only to stop by flinching at the feeling of cool metal. I looked instinctively and saw a doorknob. With a strange desire to see the other side of the door, I turned and opened it. I slumped slightly at the sight of more of the same halls, with similar windows but these were actually lower and eyelevel and specifically only on the right of the hall. However. the view out the windows were still very limited due to my 6-year-old height. 

I walked all of the way to the end of the hallway, coming across a dead end with just a window. A window with a great view of the wood below. The entire left of the hallway had been propped open doors of just rooms with desks and tables. But this last door was closed, which made me want to open it even more. Without thinking, I flung it open.  

My pupils dilated for split second before I looked up. Bright little dots littered the ceiling. 

What is that? 

I squinted, then stared, wide-eyed, examining each dot. They seemed to be connected, and casted a light glow into the room. But there still seemed to be a brighter light. I titled my head all the way up and audibly gasped. The undeniably easily recognizable moon stared right back at me. 

OVERLOOKED ROYALTY (SBI Tommy angst)Where stories live. Discover now