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Yoo cool im writing this full well knowing that this chapter isnt going to be done for a while :) 

i think i should start putting dates so i know how long it takes, ok currently it is March 1st, 2022

Tommy POV:

jesus shit i haven't been around a group of people in a while 

I stepped into the sun, no longer in the shade by the door. Then I followed Ranboo a few feet ahead. My body ached, but I pushed on. My mind lost focus in the consistent throbbing, and more on my surroundings. For someone that loves being outside, I don't go out that often. I've spent more of my life exploring the castle. The majority of my time actually spent outside, is either on a balcony or roof. Of course, there is also the bench in the fields, though when I'm ever out there for an escape or to nap in peace. 

But out here in the town, actually near people... it's totally different. It's not just calm quiet in trees or fields or the sky, there's shops and homes and groups of teenage kids fuckin around. There're paved roads, and trails, and walkways. Bridges and arches strung with vines. Trees drooping, casting shadows.

Ranboo weaved between buildings at a slow pace, I turned my head in all directions, I've never seen the town from this angle, only from a window observing as an outsider.

"Soo... what'd you think?" Ranboo interlaced his fingers in front of him awkwardly. He was staring ahead, meanwhile I looked like I was walking through a fairytale. 

"Wow" I breathed out in awe

We walked side by side in silence. Occasionally we would walk past a library, bakery, market, and that such and Ranboo would point it out

 "Oh that's a good bakery"

 "I like to read there, it's quiet"

"I usually get groceries there"

"That park has a nice swing" 

And there were many more remarks made by Ranboo during their stroll. 

After a while, the dazed effect started to wear off. The further we walked, the more deserted it got. It seemed a little cloudier. A whole different look than the other side. It wasn't that it looked scary or dead, just different. Indescribable. Perhaps a castle on a tall mountain in the very beginning of spring.  The organized bricks on the grounds progressively became more cracked. Pebbled littered the ground.

Suddenly, we steered off path and met a short alley that became rocks at the end. The rocks gradually piled it, and at the top was a shattered archway split down the middle. 

I slowed down, confused.

"What are we doing?" I asked

"You'll see, it's one of my favorite spots. well, once of many"

Ranboo turned to see me stopped, I eyed the rocks suspiciously. Ranboo took a step back towards and held out his hand. 

"Fuck it" I grabbed his hand, and we start climbing. Ranboo led me up cautiously as I hiked the rocks, seeing if it was stable before stepping onto it. With my eyes focused on the ground, I asked,

"So... how many little places do you know around here?"

Ranboo turned back to look at me and I met his eyes. He smiled (AAA FUCK 'Ranboo laughed Ranboo smiled Ranboo jumped' HOLY I JUST ACCIDENTALY JUST GOT DEJA VU SRY)

"a LOT" He laughed; I breathed a laugh. Then he turned back, and we went back to stepping on the rocks

"Pfft- ok adventure boi. You must be out of your house often"

OVERLOOKED ROYALTY (SBI Tommy angst)Where stories live. Discover now