another little memory thing

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hello another chapter i hope that i dont procrastinate for 5 years and actually get around to write.

starting on 4/25/2022

dis is another flashback so yeah, btw this is not like following anything from last chapter, manz awakened like at a different place and in a different time (further in the past, just not when we was like 6 as last chapter said)

Tommy POV: 

A blinding white light immediately stung my eyes after the moments of complete darkness.  The edges of my vision were blurry, and it took me a few moments to stop wobbling and see clearer. The corners of my vision were still fuzzy, and I was so low to the ground, the ceilings shot up for what felt like hundreds of feet. 

The hallway stretched before me. Another hall just off the main. Where the glass dome ceilings stopped at. Instead, there were windows, thin and tall, stretching from floor to ceiling. My head could barely look out, from the angle I was, I could only see a glimpse of the clear blue sky. 

A small giggle sounded down the hall. My legs moved sluggishly, as if they were weighed down. Surprisingly, there was nobody in the hallway despite the time of day. 

I waddled towards a door. 

A door I merely knew was which the sound was coming from. 

A goofy grin found its way upon my face before I even made way through the door.

I peeked through the door first. Tech was against the floor on his back, his arms flailing playfully at Wil. Wil was rolling around next to him. They were playfighting, a pillow on the floor and a small blanket. 

"Wilbur, be nice. Stop suffocating your brother with a blanket." Mom said from her chair in the corner. She had briefly glanced up from her book to lightly reprehend Tech and Wil's banter.

I turned my attention back to my brothers. Wil dropped the blanket from Tech's face. Techno hair stood up from the static. Through the window lighting, his hair so blonde it was nearly silver, looking like lighting.   

I brought my hands in front of me. Short, small fingers filling my sight. I leaned against the down and it swung open slightly more. Then I lost balance a tumbled to the floor as the door opened. 

"Owww" I grumbled slightly. 

The room went silent as my brothers looked at me. Mom closed her book and crossed the room to me. Pausing for a second, waiting for me to cry or such. But I didn't, it wasn't like a brutal fall. 

Then mom lifted me up by my armpits and sat back in her chair. She bounced me on one of her knees. I laughed and babbled nonsense. She brushed wisps of golden hair form my eyes. 

Then we were interrupted.

I felt myself come off mom's knee. At first, I thought I was falling, and almost let out a cry. Then I realized Techno has lifted me from behind. He sat me on the floor, in between him and Wil. I sat almost crisscrossed, but my legs were a bit separated.  I couldn't see Wilbur to know he was behind me. His nimble fingers brushing through my hair. Taking strands and carefully crossing them over others. When he finished a braid, he immediately restarted to try something else. 

Tech sat in front of me. He took my hands with his own, they were soft and years away from the rough callouses he would later have. He only had a few thin gold rings, some incrusted with rubies, emeralds, and other crystals. He then took turns placing them on some of my fingers, each being slightly too big for even my thumbs. 

I smiled at Techno as he focused on my hands. Occasionally I would change my gaze to mom, and she would be me a smile and slight nod.

After a while, I was getting a bit bored. Wilbur and Techno talked back and forth whilst entertaining themselves with me. 

I started bopping my head to a random beat. Wilbur stopped playing with my hair and instead went to a small shelf to grab a book. He sat next to Tech, shoving him a little bit to the side, then began to read. He read of fairytales and heroic adventures. Stories I would never remember. 

My eyes slowly were shutting.  Wilbur turned the book facedown beside him and leaned towards me.

"Bubs, are you tired. You need a nap?" He asked, staring at me with the kind of infatuation in his eyes that people get when they see a puppy. 

I drowsily nodded, turned my head back to mom, who was putting a bookmark in her book, and she nodded at my invisible question. 

Mom walked over to me and I stretched my arms out to her. Making a grabbing motion.

"Nap time" She whispered to me as she picked me up. 

Wilbur and Techno groaned as mom carried me out of the room. 

"Oh quit it" She chuckled at their 'misery'.

I wrapped my arms around her shoulders, my head overlooking the halls as we past.

Briefly, I gazed at the family portrait at the end of the hall. Mom, dad, Wilbur, Techno, and me all smiling. I was only a year old in that photo, it was year ago we posed for it. I studied the pretty details of mom's dress as we progressed down the hall. From afar, even the harsher brushstrokes seamed to disappear. 

We turned the corner, and the painting was now gone. Mom turned sharply into the nursery. The turn was a bit unexpected, and I tightened my grip on mom, accidentally pulling some of her hair. She flinched, but besides that had no reaction. 

She brought her hands up and slowly detached me from her. She gazed softly into my eyes. 

Then she kissed my forehead and placed me into the crib, tucking me in with a few soft blankets. 

"Sleep tight honey."

words: 992

this chapter wasn't THAT late so I'm not disappointed. 

Honestly ive probably planned out the next 10 chapters, down to every detail, about 20 times, I just struggle with actually writing it. 

Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter, bye kings!

(some parts of this has been proofread a million times and other parts havent been proofread at all)

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