23. In Sickness

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Zeynep hugged me tightly as we came out of the boardroom. "You did it!" She squealed, "We deserve some credit too you know" Demir narrowed his eyes on her. "I'll reward you later" She winked at him, making his dreamy gaze reappear.

"I need to pick up Fatosh" Engin glanced at his watch, "Huh?" Demir nudged him. "You're having dinner with Fatosh?" "Yes" He grinned, "Ah" Zeynep and Demir shared a glance. "Will you go out with Nazli too?" My sister turned to me, "Not tonight... I'm already exhausted" I replied with a sigh. "True... The whole thing was frustrating" Engin agreed with me. 

But it was all worth it.

We had finally won the tender against Hakan and I had one less thing to worry about. The past two weeks were extremely tiring, and all I could hope for was a good rest on getting home. Nazli and I barely talked to each other these days. Whenever I got home, she would be fast asleep in her room. (Yes, I do take a peak at my wife because I'm a responsible husband)

If I wasn't this tired tonight then I might have gone to a club at least. It's been a long time since I've done anything of that sort. Staying faithful to Nazli feels easier as long as I'm drowned with work. But I didn't feel like doing anything tonight except sleeping.


I entered our lawn with a sigh, Ferit didn't text me today and I wondered what he was up to. It's been days since we had a proper conversation and I did miss him, even if he was annoying most of the time.

To my surprise I found my husband sleeping on the kitchen table. His coat on the floor, sleeves rolled up, hair messy and a glass of whisky next to him.

"Ferit?" I dropped my bag next to him, "How come you're back early?" He rubbed his eyes and looked up at me. "I... er..." He got up from the chair with a cough. His face looked pale and tired, as if he hadn't slept for days. "Are you sick?" I couldn't believe my eyes. "No... I just feel a little tired. I'll be alright in the morning" He coughed again, "You are sick Ferit" "I am not Nazli. I never get sick" He replied. 

I placed my palm on his forehead, "What are you talking about? You are burning! I'm calling a doctor" I fished my bag for my phone till he caught my arm, "I'm alright Nazli... I'll go to bed and I'll be fine in the morning" "You are not fine. You have high fever. I'm calling the doctor and that's it" I replied. 


"Take in a deep breath" The doctor told Ferit while he pressed the stethoscope to his chest. "Okay, there's nothing to worry about. He has lung infection" The doctor turned to me, "I will write down the medicines and remember to give him a cold bath before bed. His temperature will drop then" Ferit and I glanced at each other.

"If it worsens at night, you can put a wet cloth on his forehead. He will get better in a few days" The doctor smiled at us. "But make sure to stay around him at all times Mrs.Nazli and don't hesitate to call me if his fever worsens" I nodded, "Get well soon Mr.Ferit" "Thank you" He replied as the doctor left.

 "I'm going to bed" Ferit got up with a sigh, "But you need to take a cold shower, your temperature is still very high" "The water is way too cold. Not a chance" He walked back upstairs while I followed him. "You have to listen to the doctor" I frowned at him.

"I'll just change my clothes and go to bed" He entered his room, "No. You will take a cold bath. Stop being stubborn already" I crossed my arms over my chest, "You won't give up?" I shook my head and he sighed. 

Ferit unbuttoned his shirt slowly and I gulped. Within seconds his shirt was off of him, revealing his sturdy muscular frame and god, what a sight it was. A sex symbol was standing before me and I took a longing sigh, causing his eyes to dart back to my face that emitted pure desire. His lips curling into a slight smile and my heart rate quickening. 

"Do I have to take off my pants?" He asked innocently, "I'm going downstairs" I retorted trying my best to hold back my blush. "Won't you join me?" The naughty spark in his eyes returned, "I'm sick you know" He sighed. "Uh huh, you were always sick in that case" He chuckled as I walked out of the door.


As Nazli said, I was indeed sick. It had been a long time since I felt this tired in my life. Probably it was because of my ruthless week or the weather, New Year was in a few weeks.

After taking a long shower, my body felt more stiff than ever. I collapsed on my bed after dressing, "Ferit?" Nazli knocked on the door, "Are you decent?" "No" I replied but she pushed open the door. "I told you no" "You will never say no if you aren't" She replied. Did she know me that well?

"How are you feeling now?" She looked worried, "I'm fine Nazli... I just need to sleep" I sighed. "But you didn't have dinner... Shall I bring it here?" "I'm not hungry" I replied. "But you need to eat" "Why are you so stubborn?" I groaned. "I'm bringing you dinner. Don't fall asleep" She pointed her finger at me before leaving.

Dinner wasn't such a bad idea though, Mrs.Burcu's food was amazing.

Nazli came in with a tray in her hand, "Here you are" She had a bright smile on her face, "I've made... er... I mean, your chef has made soup for you" "She has magic in her hands" I told Nazli as she sat down next to me with a stunned expression. "Really?" She asked back, "Haven't you tried her food yet? It's incredible" I replied.

"I thought you changed your chefs every week...?" "No, Mrs.Burcu will continue to cook for me till you take her place" I smiled at her. "Come to think of it, I've never eaten your food" She had no reply, she looked away. "It won't be as good as Mrs.Burcu's" She mumbled, "You never know" I gazed at her. 

The way she blushed whenever I looked at her was adorable and heart warming. Nazli was definitely a desirable but pure woman. Sometimes I doubted whether I loved her. 


After weeks of avoiding each other, Ferit and I end up like this... Lost for words... Lost in each others gazes. He still thought that Burcu cooked for him and I couldn't correct him because of my pride. 

But I felt guilty at the same time for not inquiring about him the entire week. I had to make up to him while he's sick. Ferit needs me more than ever now, even though he doesn't show it. 

I pushed open his room with a sigh to fetch his empty plate. He seemed fast asleep now with his chest rising and falling calmly, I couldn't help smiling at this innocent Ferit. The intimidating man that hid behind a perfect armor. I wondered what he was like without his armor, 

Why did he even wear it?

I leaned over to give a peck on his cheek before exiting the room.

A/N- Weekly updates from now. Can't help it smh. 

Vote and comment to keep me motivated.

listen to this baby,

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