44. Anti Romantic

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Deniz called in the morning to ask me about Bulut and I was glad that we were back to talking again like normal. What surprised me was that he wanted Bulut to stay with us now.

"I don't think that Hakan is such great influence. After what happened between them... It's better for Bulut to stay with you and Nazli" "What happened between them?" I was quick to ask.

"You know... Hakan and his things..." Deniz sighed, "What did he do, Deniz?" I frowned, "Uh... I went to meet Demet yesterday and she broke down in front of me... Hakan isn't treating her well" He replied.

I was shocked to hear this news. I was well aware that Hakan was a criminal but I also knew that he loved Demet to pieces. I never thought he'd treat her like that.

"By the way, did you take Pelin to work?" He asked me, "Did Engin tell you that?" I sighed. "No, she told me herself. When I went to sis's home, I found her talking to Hakan. We made small talk before she got away hurriedly" He replied.

I clenched my fist. Pelin and Hakan. They were plotting against me behind my back. How could I be  blinded by her again?

"She won't be working with me anymore. I'm firing her today" I replied. "What? Really?" "I had my doubts from the beginning Deniz. But seems like she still hasn't changed her ways" "I'll support your every decision Ferit" He replied.

"Thank you" I smiled, "Anytime. I need to go now before Asuman kills me for showing up late at her friend's house" He replied. I chuckled, "Have fun" "Yeah. Bye" He hung up.

I told Engin about my phone call with Deniz. Even he was shocked to find that Pelin was Hakan's ally all along.

Just then, Pelin knocked on my door before entering. "I drew a few designs for the project. Can you please take a look at them Ferit?" She smiled innocently.

"I don't think that's necessary. You can leave here and show them to Hakan" I replied. Pelin was shocked by this, "What do you mean?" "For god's sake Pelin, stop pretending. You've been working with Hakan all this time and you expect me to trust you again?" I frowned at her.

"But... How did you...?" "That's not important. The main thing is that you leave me and my company alone. and never... Never show yourself again" I replied.

She stormed out of my room in embarrassment.


After putting Bulut to bed, Ferit insisted that I watch a movie with him.

I laid back on his chest with a bowl of popcorn in my hand. He wrapped his arms around me, keeping me warm.

"If this is a horror film then I'm sleeping with Bulut tonight" Ferit laughed at this. "It's a pretty harmless romantic film don't worry" He whispered, making me ticklish.

"Please don't tell me it's R-rated" "How did you know?" I glared up at him. "You do realize that Bulut is sleeping upstairs and he can come down any moment and also-" Ferit pressed his finger to my lips.

"Shh... I'm joking... It's a normal film" He chuckled. I turned away from his face annoyed and pouted at the screen. "You're angry at me again?" He sighed but I refused to respond.

"Maybe if I told you that I fired Pelin, then-" "You fired Pelin?" I stared up at him in shock. "But why?" "She's been working with Hakan" I sighed, "Are all your loved women like this? So disrespectful, annoying and evil?" Nazli grumbled to herself.

"I haven't dated much women... Only Demet and Pelin, and yeah I admit that they ended up being pretty horrid" I was still glaring at him which made him smile.

"Have I told you how adorable you look when you're jealous?" "I'm not jealous, I'm just stating facts" I mumbled. "Sure honey" Ferit chuckled.

"By the way, are Deniz and Asuman dating?" I nearly choked on my popcorn when Ferit asked me that. "Of course not" "But it does seem like it" He replied.

"Whenever I call Deniz, he's around Asuman" "She told me that they are friends... So far" I mumbled. "You never know" Ferit shrugged.

We turned back to the screen and watched the film silently. To be honest, it was a pretty nice one and I was surprised as to how Ferit convinced himself to chose it.

But he made a sour remark every five minutes to spoil the fun, "Seriously how can he do that? Will anyone ever do that? These films are so superficial... Horror ones are way better" He groaned.

"You think that way because you're an anti-romantic" I replied to taunt him. "I'm an anti-romantic?" He raised an eyebrow at me and I nodded nonchalantly.

"If you let me carry you to bed now, I can show you how romantic I can be..." He rasped in my ear and tickled my body in his firm grasp. I squirmed and giggled as Ferit held me tightly in his manly arms.

I looked up at his warm face with a smile and caressed his stubble lovingly. His second most amazing feature after his enchanting pair of eyes.

"Maybe..." I mumbled, "Maybe I'll let you" The happiness that emitted from my husband's eyes when I said that was probably the most purest thing that I had ever seen.

Ferit pressed his lips to mine making my tongue dance with his. "We can't waste time" Ferit announced before scooping me in his arms. I clung to his neck while my head was pressed to his beating heart.

"The TV..." I chuckled, "Ah yes" He took the remote and turned it off. "You still think that I'm an antiromantic?" He asked me while heading up the stairs, "No... You're my handsome maniac" I replied making his eyes darken in desire.

"Don't blame me if you end up sore in the morning, honey. You asked for it," He pressed a soft kiss to my nose making me blush.

A/N- too lazy to write more sex

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