Training camp

793 28 4

Raising suspicion 6

They had finally arrived at Fukurodani where the camp was being held, Shoyo excited as he was being led off the bus by Kei. The team, as always, found it suspicious every time they saw Kei leading Shoyo, but since they had no clue as to why he was doing it and felt they shouldn't ask, they kept quiet, pretending nothing was wrong.

"Hi Shoyo," Kenma said as he walked up to the two teens, hugging the shorter. Kenma knew that while outside his vision was not very good in open spaces since there were no walls for the sound to bounce off of, making this specific spot quite bad since there was nothing the sound could really bounce off of.

Shoyo hugged him back, grinning widely before he exclaimed "Hi Kenma!" happily. Kei smiled gently beside him, creeping out the few that hadn't seen him smile before. Kenma, once he let go, took notice of the fact Kei had immediately grabbed hold of Shoyo's hand, interlacing their fingers, making him grin.

"Heee, so you're together now" Kenma voiced, hoping to tease his friend. Shoyo flushed red and looked down nodding, happy yet embarrassed over the fact his friend realized without them having to announce it. Some nosy players who had been listening closely to their conversation quickly jumped on the teasing train while simultaneously congratulating the two.

Soon Kuroo stepped forward a bit, asking a question Shoyo did not want to answer. "Hey Hinata? Why does Tsukishima always lead you when walking? Every time we've met so far you've had him lead you around." Shoyo visibly froze up at the question, trying not to hyperventilate, while Kenma sent daggers at Kuroo.

Kuroo, confused over what he did wrong considering Kenma's reaction, looked around, silently asking what he did wrong. No one wanted to have Kenma's glare directed at them, so they stayed quiet and pretended they couldn't see him. Kei took notice of Shoyo's panic and decided to speak up, hoping to de-escalate the situation.

"Because I asked him if I could" was all he said, not caring whether they believed him or not, or if they would find him weird for it. Anything was better than having his boyfriend panic like he was now. Shoyo squeezed his hand as a silent thank you while still looking down, trying to steady his breathing.

Once the whole fiasco was over they headed inside, everyone going to their assigned sleeping quarters. Karasuno sent curious looks over to Shoyo the whole time, although he didn't really notice any of them. The whole team held the urge to just ask him what he was so panicked over and what he's been hiding, but didn't dare do it.

Once they had gotten their things sorted they all went to the gym, listening to the rules of the camp and what they would be doing, including a time schedule, when they had some free time and when they had matches. It was going well, although Shoyo eventually fell asleep, too tired to listen. This made all the grown-ups sigh while the teams were just grinning as they saw how red Kei had gotten.

Time skip brought by laziness

Once night time rolled around Shoyo whispered to Kei, asking him to come with him and they both sneaked out. A few on the team took notice, taking a mental note to ask them the next day as the two left. Shoyo guided him out through the dark room, whistling quietly, hoping no one would wake up. When they were out of the room Kei took over, guiding Shoyo to the bathroom, already knowing what he needed help with.

Shoyo had mentioned a while before that his eyes had begun to get itchy the other day but that he didn't have the time to clean them, meaning he had to clean them now. Kei had been taught by Shoyo's mother how to do it, so he was able to help Shoyo, although due to how late it was they could only clean one and had to wait with the other one for the next day.

Shoyo was thankful for the help, Kei carefully cleaning his right eye for him after washing his hands thoroughly. As soon as Kei finished cleaning the eye, they put it back in and soon walked back to the team, quietly sneaking inside, before falling asleep while hugging.

The next day went fairly well, although some of the third years had asked Shoyo and Kei about their nighttime escapade which made the two younger teens freeze up momentarily before just apologizing. The third years let them off although they told them not to do it again, which they noticed made the shorter of the two bite his lip a little.

They brushed it off but couldn't stop thinking about it. Eventually they enlisted the team to stay awake for a while longer to see if they would leave again. If they did, they had decided they would sneak after them and see what they were up to.

That night the two stayed in the room, not leaving which made the team lower their guard the day after. (A/n: Yama had warned them about their plan).

Shoyo had woken Kei up, making him follow him out and heading to the washroom, his left eye was extremely uncomfortable at this point and he couldn't hold on for almost a week even if he tried.

Unlucky for them, Suga had been awake when they left, so he quickly nudged the rest of the team, informing them that they had left again. The team noticed that Yama looked extremely worried once they began walking to the door, planning on confronting the two teens about the fact they left in the middle of the night.

Yama tried multiple times but failed at stopping them, the team walking in the direction they assumed the two had gone. Soon they reached the washroom, but what they saw was not what they expected. "Hinata...?"

Hahaha, cliffhanger!


Hi everyone, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and thanks a bunch for reading, commenting and voting! Here's a big hug for you! I hope you have a wonderful day wherever you are!

Also, thanks to my friend @tachihizo for helping me proofread this chapter! Bye bye ~

Words (including end text): 1062

Hinata Shoyo, The blind boy who could seeWhere stories live. Discover now