Outing - part 2

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Hence, once it was time for the group to split up, Shoyo began to feel nervous, his hands sweating as his body shivered ever so slightly. Yet, despite that, he grinned happily at Kei as they held hands, walking together through the park and towards the dreaded ferris wheel...


Kei and Shoyo waited silently in line for their turn to enter one of the ferris wheel carts. After having spent the entire day together with his family and Kei, it felt strange for it to be just the two of them. This right now felt more like a proper date and that thought crossed both of their minds as the two blushed and looked in different directions. Shoyo's scenery didn't really change, just an empty void as always, but it still felt better than facing his boyfriend as his cheeks grew warmer by the second.

Once it was their turn, Kei gently grabbed hold of Shoyo's hand, tugging him along and into the cart before releasing his grip. With barely noticeable reluctance Shoyo sat down on one of the seats before he too let go of Kei's hand. An awkward silence hung in the air as the two sat quietly, their usual spontaneous conversations seemed distant as the two couldn't think of anything to speak about.

The longer the silence continued, the more Shoyo's thoughts ran wild. He was scared, the fact that they were far above ground inside a shaking box gave him goosebumps, his inability to see anything other than the tiny cart they were in brought an inexplicable amount of fear to the ginger haired boy. In an attempt to steady himself, having begun to shake a little, he grabbed his arms tightly, shrinking inwards protectively as if defending himself against an incoming attack.

However, the next thing Shoyo knew was the feeling of a hand on his shoulder. At first the contact had made him flinch, but once he realized who it belonged to he moved his head in the direction Kei was sitting. "I'll sit next to you, alright?" Kei then said in a warm tone. Shoyo gave a small nod at his comment to which Kei smiled warmly before standing up and sitting down beside him.

Once he was seated he swiftly placed his hand on Shoyo's head, pulling him towards him so that his head would lean against his shoulder. He kept his hand on top of Shoyo's head protectively, soothing him in silence. Eventually Shoyo's body begins to relax, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. Once he felt at ease, he slowly closed his eyes, snuggling closer to Kei as a gentle smile broke through.

The earlier tension in his shoulders had eased and his mind felt calm, and without a second thought, he let himself be protected in Kei's warmth. Eventually Kei spoke up. "Hey Sho, guess where we are?" Shoyo looked at him with a questioning expression to which Kei told him they had reached the top of the ferris wheel. Then, with a tiny, barely visible smirk, he asked whether his adorable sunshine knew what that meant.

Still confused, Shoyo shook his head as his curiosity grew. Kei's smirk changed to a gentle smile as he gave a one word explanation. "This" was all he said before leaning closer, kissing his sunshine. Shoyo froze, his mouth hanging open for a moment before his face flushed red and he scrambled for words. "I-I uhm, I-" after a while he simply gave up, his face still flushed but a small, shy smile was printed across his face before he covered himself with his hands.

Despite hiding his face behind his hands, it didn't hide the deep blush seeing as it had traveled up his ears and down his neck. Kei let out a chuckle as he looked at his shy boyfriend with a happy smile. 'I finally did it' he then thought, his smile growing as his cheeks heated up more at the thought of having finally kissed the sunshine that was Hinata Shoyo.

The pair of them sat in silence, both blushing profusely accompanied by shy smiles. Kei took brief glances down at Shoyo, whilst Shoyo sat still with his head down, and a warm smile on his face. The rest of the ride was shared in silence, their fingers intertwined as they held hands. As soon as the cart got close to the ground, Kei led Shoyo close to the door and guided him out once the door was opened by the staff.

Shoyo thanked the worker with a smile before the two walked off, a slight spring in their steps. Both boys looked like they were on cloud 9 as they walked through the amusement park hand in hand. Eventually, the scent of cotton candy drafted through the air and Shoyo, unknowingly, tugged Kei in the direction of it immediately.

As soon as Kei saw the destination where the short sunshine was heading, he let out a quiet laugh. Shoyo's face had lit up with a gleeful expression, his eyes wide open and excited. Soon, he was holding a cone with pink cotton candy and gave off the same giddiness a child would. Without hesitation, Shoyo let go of Kei's hand, pulling off a piece of the cotton candy and holding it out to where Kei stood.

A few seconds went by and Shoyo gave him a confused look, "You don't want it?" he then said, disappointment clear in his voice. "Ah, that's not it!" Kei quickly replied before Shoyo could retract his hand. Then, happily, Shoyo stretched his hand to where he assumed Kei's face was, adding a clear and bright "Say ahh!" hoping to feed his boyfriend.

Clear embarrassment could be seen across his face, but he still leaned in and bit down on the treat which quickly melted in his mouth, the sweet strawberry taste blessing his tongue. "Thanks" he then mumbled quietly, his cheeks heating up as he straightened his back and looked away shyly. A quiet giggle escaped Shoyo's lips as he responded with a clear voice "You're welcome!"

The pair kept walking through the park hand in hand, eating cotton candy and other snacks along the way. Before they knew it, the clock had already struck 7 and they had to meet up with the others. Despite feeling a bit disappointed knowing that their date would have to end there, the two were happy with how the day had turned out and couldn't wait for tomorrow to arrive.


As they got closer to the meeting spot, an excited Natsu could be heard shouting out to them before quickly running in their direction and tackling them. The innocent tackle almost led to the three of them toppling to the ground, however, thanks to Kei's quick reaction, they all stayed standing on the ground, much to everyone's relief. Natsu simply giggled happily as her brother sighed in relief, giving Kei a quick appreciative smile before picking his sister up.

"You need to be more careful Natsu, you could've been hurt" he then said before giving her a kind smile, knowing his sister meant no harm. "I'm sorry" she quickly replied, her head turning down as she pouted, making their parents chuckle as Kei simply gave an adoring smile at their interaction. "Alright, let's head back, shall we?" Amami said, clapping her hands together as Shoyo put Natsu down again.

After everyone had agreed, the group headed to the exit, leaving the amusement park behind as they headed to the parking lot where they had left the car. As soon as they all were seated, Natsu quickly fell asleep, leaning against Kei's shoulder with her mouth wide open. The day had been good, but all of them were certainly ready for it to come to an end as the silent ride back to the hotel began.


Once again, it has been a while. I apologize for the long break once again. My health is not the best and I constantly feel like I haven't slept for like, 5 weeks. To top stuff up windows screwed over my stationary/desktop computer so I've been using my laptop which is quite laggy due to its old age for the last few days. It'll probably take a while until my computer is fixed, so until then updates will probably stay slow.

Now that that's out of the way, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and that it was worth the wait! Thank you all so much for all the reads, comments and votes! It brings me a lot of joy reading your comments. Also, I must say I'm shook over the amounts of reads this story has gotten, I mean, it's closing in on 8k which is absolutely insane, like- how??

As always, thanks to my friend @tachihizo for helping me proofread this chapter! I hope to see you soon, but for now, bye bye ~

Words (including end text): 1499

Hinata Shoyo, The blind boy who could seeWhere stories live. Discover now