Scary movies

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Bonus chapter

All the teams decide to watch a scary movie. Everyone had guessed Shoyo, the sunshine, would be scared, but oh how wrong they were. The only ones that didn't think Shoyo was going to be scared were Kei, Yama and Kenma, since they knew Shoyo couldn't even see the jumpscares, that he would only hear the sounds.

They were all surprised at how calm Shoyo was as the movie went on, he was even smiling a little, looking calmer than ever. On the other hand, Kei, who they had guessed wouldn't be scared, was, and at some point he began leaning against Shoyo, needing something, anything to calm down his nerves.

This only made Shoyo giggle quietly as he patted Kei's head. "Wanna borrow my lap Kei?" he eventually whispered quietly to him, Kei responding with a quiet whistle and nod as he repositioned himself so his head would be in Shoyo's lap. Shoyo ran his hands soothingly through Kei's hair, making sure Kei knew he wasn't alone.

It took a while for anyone to notice the change in position, but once they did some of them began to snicker as they saw a scared Kei using Shoyo as his pillow. 'Good blackmail material' was on some of their minds, and on others it was 'how adorable'. (A/n: I think you can guess who was thinking what. Feel free to guess in the comments).

Yama secretly took a few pictures, planning to send them to his friend in order to tease him. Once he finished his short photo session he looked to his right, where he saw a quiet cat-eyed boy staring at him with almost pleading eyes, leaving him confused as he stared back. "Is something wrong?" Yama eventually asked the other quietly, only for Kenma to turn red and look down.

"No.. No-nothing's wrong.." Kenma quietly stuttered out, Yama still confused. "Are you sure?" he added after staying quiet for a while, hoping that whatever it was he could help. Kenma only became redder as he nodded, knowing the taller of the two was still not convinced. Kenma didn't want to admit, but he too was actually scared, and wanted to feel some kind of safety.

It took a while but Yama eventually figured out what it was Kenma was stressing over, and it was now Yama's turn to turn into a tomato as he blushed profusely while looking at him. "Uhm, if you need, you can come here.." he eventually managed to voice out, his voice a little shaky due to how nervous he was.

Kenma, nodding a little, crept towards Yama, leaning against him and grabbing onto his shirt, still scared out of his mind, but feeling more safe now that he was next to the taller. At this point Yama was unsure what to do as he looked towards where Shoyo and Kei were, seeing Shoyo looking their way with a knowing grin, mouthing a quiet "go for it" before he turned back around, leaving Yama impossibly red.

Sure, Shoyo couldn't exactly 'see' them, but at that moment he knew better than anyone what position everyone had taken, so he had undoubtedly noticed their exchange. Yama gulped loudly as he looked at Kenma, seeing his face was also red.

He wavered for a moment until he eventually put his arms around him, pulling him closer into a more comfortable position, both boys blushing profusely but neither of them moving away. Shoyo only grinning as he 'saw' it. 


Hi everyone, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and thanks a bunch for reading, commenting and voting! Here's a hug! I hope you have a wonderful day! Sorry for the short chapter, the next one will be a bit longer, and also, it'll be a YamaKen bonus chapter so I hope you'll enjoy that. ^^

Also, thanks to my friend @tachihizo for helping me proofread this chapter! Laters ~

Words (including end text): 656

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