Coming to terms with the situation

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"Give me some time"

Shoyo had no choice but to accept the fact the team knew his secret, but it didn't make it any less nerve wracking, knowing he would have to explain to them what they had seen eventually. He did know that the sooner he explained things, the better it would be in the long run, but he couldn't handle doing it while the camp was still going on, hence, he decided to tell the team as much.

Soon Kei, Yama and Shoyo reached the cafeteria, slowly entering and going to the table where the rest of Karasuno were sitting, Shoyo squeezing Kei's hand for support. Kei squeezed his hand back, showing the worried sunshine that he wasn't alone. He got a small smile back as they sat down, Shoyo sitting in between Kei and Yama, focusing on his food and whistling, ignoring everyone except Yama and Kei.

The other teams obviously took notice, staring at them in confusion, understanding that whatever was wrong with the normally hyper sunshine was due to something they had done. They, however, had enough decency to know that, whatever it was, it was not their business and they should stay out of it.

Once they had eaten dinner they played a few matches, giving each other tips and helping each other improve, Shoyo and Kei disappearing at some point before re-appearing quietly as if they hadn't left at all. Karasuno didn't question it, remembering what had happened the day before.

As the day went by, the rest of Karasuno noticed that a lot of things they had always found odd about the short sunshine were beginning to make a lot more sense. Although at this point in time they thought that he was only missing one eye, not both. Shoyo would talk to them during matches but as soon as they were done he would walk away, not even celebrating during victories.

The day went on like this, Karasuno feeling more and more dejected as time went on, wishing they could rewind time to before the incident, their only hope being that Shoyo would go back to normal. When they all went back to their sleeping quarters, Shoyo was being unnervingly quiet, along with the rest of the team.

It wasn't until they stepped inside the room, closing the door behind them, that someone spoke up, that someone being Shoyo. "Uhm, can I say something.." he began, his voice quiet but they all said "yes" right away, hoping for a chance to apologize. He looked shocked for a moment before he gave them all a weak smile.

"I don't feel ready to talk about what you saw yet, so, please give me some time" was all he said as he bowed down a little, his eyes shut closed despite the fact it wouldn't make any difference, his view was as empty as always.

The first one to speak was Asahi "Of course, take your time, we promise not to ask you about it just.. Please don't ignore us anymore.." The last part of Asahi's answer surprised Shoyo, making him lift his head quickly, his eyes opened wide before he looked down, voicing a quiet "thank you" before promising not to avoid them anymore.

The team then hugged it out, Shoyo grinning a little trying to hold back tears before he lied down, tired after having slept badly. As soon as he laid down he grabbed onto Kei, falling asleep almost instantly with a small smile on his face, glad the awkward atmosphere would be gone and happy that his team accepted his request about waiting until he felt ready. His last thought before he drifted to sleep was 'thank you.'

The team watched the two, Shoyo falling asleep right away, and Kei soon after. They shared a quick look with each other, all of them smiling before they laid down as well, soon falling asleep, their hearts feeling a lot lighter.


Hi everyone, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, (sorry for the short chapter) and thanks a bunch for reading, commenting and voting! Here's a hug! I hope you have a wonderful day!

Also, thanks to my friend @tachihizo for helping me proofread this chapter! Bye byeee ~

Words (including end text): 709

Hinata Shoyo, The blind boy who could seeWhere stories live. Discover now