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   "-dy... M-...-ady... My Lady..."

   At the feeling of being shoken, and a calm voice calling to her, a young girl opened her eyes slowly, lifting her head from against the window of her black carriage. After rubbing her eyes with the back of her hands, the girl sat up straight and looked up. Straight into a pair of light pink eyes.

   "Ah, My Lady. I'm glad you are awake."Her butler Nicolas said as he smiled at his sleepy faced master.

   The young girl looked around,"Are we here?"She mumbled, looking back at Nicolas. He nodded, leaning back out of the carriage, holding an arm out for the girl to take.

   After a moment of letting her body wake up, the young girl stood up and walked over to the carriage door and let Nicolas help her out, stepping gently onto the ground. She smoothed out the wrinkles in her long, puffy blue dress that reach her ankles as Nicolas grabbed her luggage from atop the carriage.

   Carrying it up to the door, Nicolas escorted his young master to the large front doors of the huge manor, freeing one hand to knock on the door. The young girl stood silent waiting for the door to be opened, as her butler stood behind her on the left side.

   The young girl looked over the manor, marveling it's sheer size and ancient-ness. Though it looked old and worn down with weeds starting to grow on the walls, she could tell it was recently built. Maybe the house owner wanted it to have a old feel to it...

   No more then a minute later did the sound of the large doors creaking open filled her sensitive ears. Looking up, her bright blue eyes met smiling pitch black ones.

   "Hello. We are here to see the Earl Phantomhive."Nicolas announced with a smile. Though his light pink eyes discreetly started to glare daggers at the butler who opened the door.

   "Ah, you must be Lady Carrington. Please come in."Opening the door wider, the black haired butler moved to the side, allowing the young girl and her butler to walk inside.

   After walking in a few steps, the young girl stopped, taking a glance around the big foyer as you would call it. The colors were dark and the few lit candles made it seem even darker - or so the young girl thought. Her butler Nicolas stood by her side quietly, observing the open area.

   The butler shut the door and turned to face the guests,"I am Sebastian Michealis, the Head Butler of the Phantomhive Manor. I am pleased to welcome you to the Phantomhive Estate."Sebastian announced, a small smirk on his lips as he looked over the young girl and her butler. Though he eyed the butler the most.

   As Nicolas was about to reply, a voice from behind them started talking,"I am sorry for my late arrival. I seemed to have more paperwork then usual."

   Looking behind herself, the young girl spotted a boy of the same age or older walking down the large staircase towards her. As he walked gracefully and confidently her way, she looked him over. He had ear length dark navy blue hair that partial covered his right eye, the same eye was also covered with a eye patch. He were dark blue knee length shorts with a matching shirt and dressy jacket, a black ribbon tied into a bow around his collar. Over all he just oozed power and confidence.

   As the young boy stopped in front of his guest, Sebastian came to stand by his side. The boy bowed slightly, a dark blue eye locking onto the girls light blue ones,"My name is Lord Ciel Phantomhive, the Head of the Phantomhive Manor... it's a pleasure to meet you."Ciel said, gently grabbing the girls left hand, bringing it to his lips and placing a soft greeting kiss onto the back of it.

   Curtsying, the girl bowed her head lightly before looking back to Ciel,"Lady Isabellena Carrington, and the pleasure is all mine..."

   Ciel's eyes widened a fraction at the soft and low tone Isabellena spoke in. He would have figured she would have been loud and cheerful like all the other Lady's her age.

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