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  "... We went from buying an selling drugs an weapons to kidnapping an murdering people..."

"How did that happen?"

Edgar slid to the front of his chair, a sudden crazed look on his face as he glanced around.

"T-this guy I told you! He crazy! Something must have gone loose in his brain! Nothing is right with this guy!... Do not even get me started on his friend!..."

Isabellena was a little startled by the mans sudden change in demeanor but tried her best to stay calm.

"Who are these two that you keep mentioning?"Ciel pressed.

Edgar looked towards him,"I do not know... I have never actually met them before, no one really has. He likes to keep close to the shadows..."His voice was strained, an it looked like his eyes were about to bug out his head.

"I thought a leader was supposed to know everything about their gang?"Nicolas questioned. He seemed to have calmed down some, but his body was still ridged.

"I told you! This guy is loony!"Edgar yelled,"..b-but I heard that he likes to be called 'savior'..."

'savior' Isabellena thought to herself. What a religious nickname for someone who kills people for fun... Unless...

"What about this sidekick of 'Savoir's'?"Sebastian questioned.

"I do not really know, but he was always by Savior's side. So if you find Savior, you will find him too..."Edgar seemed to have calmed down some, but he was still a little twitchy and his eyes never stayed in one spot for two seconds.

Ciel nodded, a hand coming up to his chin in a thinking pose. So their next new lead was a supposed gang leader called 'Savior' and his sidekick which they do not have a name for.

Ciel nodded once before looking to Edgar,"One more thing Mr. Edgar... Do you know anything about the recent murders around London?... The ones the public have dubbed the 'Romeo an Juliet' murders?"

Edgar tensed lightly,"No... I have heard of them but no, I do not know anything about them.."

"Do you think Savior could be related to them? On the bodies of the dead, the same tattoo that is recognized as a trait for all member of the London Fours, was tattoed on the inside of their forearms..."Ciel added, standing straight to his feet.

Edgar looked down and shook his head,"No not that I know of.."

Ciel narrowed his eye, staring quietly at the man. Things stayed like that before he turned around, waving his hand up I the air.

"I believe we have everything, let us go..."

Sebastian nodded, bowing lightly towards Edgar then following after his master. Nicolas turned to Isabellena, holding a hand out for her to take.

"Are you ready, My Lady?"

Isabellena looked from Edgar to Nicolas, swallowing a breath, nodding slightly.

Gently taking her hand in the crook of his arm, Nicolas turned to Edgar,"Please have a nice day. We seem to have everything that we need. Thanks for your cooperation."

Turning an leaving, Nicolas ushered Isabellena out the door, walking her towards Ciel an Sebastian who stood back in front of the house.

Edgar ran out after them,"Are you guys going after Savior an the London Fours!? He will kill you in an instant if you try to arrest him! "He yelled as the four started making their way towards the tree line.

"I do not believe that is not any of your business, Mr. Edgar.."Sebastian called over his shoulder.

Edgar stopped short,"What-!?"Edgar also stopped when he spotted something shiny on the ground just a few feet away,"-I'll show you you rich bastards..."Edgar muttered to himself, stomping his way towards the object just laying on the ground.

Ciel, just hearing the muttering of the crazy man, turned his head just in time to see what he was doing... An just in time to see him pick up the revolver he had dropped after being thrown from the window.

"Say bye!"Edgar yelled, pointing the gun at Nicolas an Isabellena who was walking behind Sebastian an Ciel, the barrel aiming directly at the back of Isabellena's head.

"Watch out!"Ciel yelled, reaching an arm out towards Isabellena, who herself was just turning her head to look at the commotion.

Time seemed to stop for Ciel as he watch Isabellena just stand there, looking over her shoulder directly into the eyes of the man who was about to shoot an kill her, saying nothing as he tried to grab an move her out of harms way.

Just as Ciel's fingers brushed against Isabellena's sleeve the sound of a gun being shot went off. Ciel hurried an wrapped his arms around her small body and shifted her around to where his back shielded her from the bullet.

Things were quiet for a second as Ciel waited to feel the burn of a bullet entering him... But it never came. Only the sound of a empty gun trigger being pulled.

"W-what!?"Edgar exclaimed, His eyes wide as he kept pulling the trigger.

But nothing was happening.

Ciel lifted his head, looking down at Isabellena who was pressed tightly against his chest. She seemed absolutely calm for just being shot at.

Isabellena slowly lifted her head from Ciel's chest, looking up to meet his shocked gaze with a blank one.

"Are you okay?"Ciel mumbled, pushing her back some to look over her body,"Are you shot!?"

Isabellena looked over herself also before glancing down to look at her hand as she raised it. Ciel followed the movements too, his eyebrows pulling together as he tried to figure out what she was doing.

He figured it out though as she slowly opened her hand, the objects rolling off of her dainty fingers and onto the ground, a soft metal klink following after each one hit and landed.

Ciel looked with wide eyes back up to Isabellena, who he held at arms length,"W-when?..."He breathed in disbelief,"... When did you take the bullets out?"

Isabellena watched the bullets roll to a stop between them, a small smile on her face,"When he first dropped it.."She mumbled,"... I knew he would try an attack us when we left.. So I took all the bullets out from his gun an left it so he would not notice..."

Ciel chuckled breathlessly as he stared at her in disbelief. One because of how smart she was. He would have never of thought to take the bullets out of the gun.

And two, It was the first thing Isabellena said to him since the night before, at dinner. It was nice to hear her voice being directed at him.

An as a plus, she smiled.. Even just barely...

"You are unbelievable.."Ciel mumbled, letting go of Isabellena's arms.

Sebastian put a hand on his shoulder,"Let start the journey home. If we are quick enough, we may make it back for afternoon tea."

An with that, the four started their hike back to the carriage, leaving Edgar Winhouse confused as to where his bullets went.  

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