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The front doors to the Phantomhive Manor bursted open, Ciel walking through, his hands thrown up in the air.

"Ah! Sebastian, what time is it? Did we make it back in time for tea?"

Sebastian walked in behind Ciel. Pulling out his pocket watch, A smile graced Sebastian's face.

"With 10 minutes to spare, My Lord. Would you like me to prepare an bring the tea to your study?"

Ciel nodded, shrugging his coat off an tossing it in Sebastian's direction,"Yes. That will be just fine.."

"I will help you Sebastian. Since the only one who knows My Lady's taste better then she does.. Is me."Nicolas added as he and Isabellena walked in, closing the doors shut.

Sebastian turned an gave the blue haired butler a closed eye smiled,"If that is what you wish, I would be happy to have your.. help..."

The two butler had a small glare off before Nicolas spun around and kneeled down before Isabellena, starting to unbutton her coat an sliding it off her shoulders gently.

"Will you be okay?"Nicolas whispered. Isabellena's response was only a head nod, which was barely noticeable.

"I will see to it that I will have your tea prepared an in your hands in a matter of minutes."Nicolas declared, standing up straight an throwing Isabellena's jacket over his arm.

Turning back around, Nicolas gave Sebastian a challenging glare an then all of a sudden, the two sped away, shoulder to shoulder, trying to push the other one away.

Ciel raised an eyebrow as he watched the two butlers disappear,"So childish..."Ciel muttered, shaking his head,"Anyway, would you like to join me on our way to my study?"Ciel asked, turning his head towards Isabellena.

She looked back from the small dust trail the butlers left to him, tilting her head to the side.

Standing still for a second, Isabellena seemed to consider something before she made her way towards Ciel, an then the two made their way towards Ciel's grand staircase.

Walking up the stairs side by side, the two remained quiet, Ciel not knowing what to say, an Isabellena looking elsewhere seemingly to be off in her own world.

But Ciel was still sort of glad. After Isabellena had spoken to him at Edgar Winhouse's house, although she had said nothing to him, she had stopped ignoring him.

It was like she was scared to talk to him... but she really wanted too. Ciel wondered if it had anything to do with the look she gave him earlier.

The quite, content atmosphere the two had formed on the way to the study was immediately broken once they turned the first corner.

"Ciel! I just saw Sebastian come out of your room! How was... your... morning..."

Stopping, Ciel immediately looked over his shoulder, spotting a frozen Elizabeth. This won't turn out to well... An Ciel thought right..

"Elizabeth.. You are still here?"Ciel questioned, trying to grab his fiancee's attention.

But Elizabeth was quiet, staring at Isabellena. She had a weird look in her eyes as she stares at her childhood friend.

"Lena.."Elizabeth said, still not moving closer.

Ciel looked to said girl, only seeing Isabellena's back. It seems the girl hasn't moved an inch. Just like Elizabeth. Though it seems as if Isabellena turned her head down, her hair hiding her face from Ciel.

"Lena.. Please look at me..."Elizabeth begged, finally taking a step forward.

".. Lizzy..."Ciel heard Isabellena whisper quietly.

"Please tell me what your butler said last night was not true... Lena please..."Elizabeth begged, her eyes turning a little glassy.

Ciel turned to Elizabeth,"Elizabeth, I think it would be best if you-"

"No! I will not leave unless Lena tells me to!"Elizabeth interrupted.

Ciel turned back to Isabellena just in time to see her shoulder raise an drop heavily, before she squared her shoulders an turned around, her face clear of any emotion...

Except for her eyes..

"What we had in the past... Is no more..."Isabellena whispered, trying hard to keep her eyes focused on her childhood friend,".. I am not like I was back then... I am...."She sighed stopping, her poker face wavering slightly,"... I was a child back then, an i did not know any better. They way my life is..."Isabellena paused once more,"..I am not the same. It would do you no good to get involved with me again..."

Elizabeth's lip shook before she bit it,"But Lena.. Tell me what is wrong an I could help you..."

Isabellena shook her head,"... It is already to late to help me..."A small smile graced her lips,"I hope you can find it somewhere in your heart to forgive me, Lizzy... If you ever can.."


"I am sorry but I must go.."Without another word, Isabellena turned an left, disappearing around another corner.

Ciel looked back to Elizabeth, catching her frowning at the floor.

"I tried to tell you it was the best to just leave it alone... Are you okay?"Ciel asked, walking closer.

Elizabeth looked up to him,"You need to find out... You need to find out what happened.."


"No, Ciel!"Elizabeth interrupted, grabbing Ciel's hand,"Something is not right here. You did not know Lena like I did.. It is true, she is not the same and I think it has something to do with her parents murder... Please Ciel.. Help Lena.."Elizabeth begged.

Ciel stared at Elizabeth, his brows pulling together. Never has he seen her in such a distraught state. He could tell just by her tone, that Elizabeth cared so much for Isabellena, an old friend.. Even going so far as to beg him.

"Elizabeth.. You heard her-"

"She called me Lizzy! If she truly wanted me gone, she would not of called me Lizzy! She's somewhere still in there, you just have to find her!"

Ciel sighed,"... Fine.. Just stop okay?"Elizabeth shut up immediately,".. I will only do this on two conditions.."

Elizabeth nodded.

"One you can not keep showing up okay. You might start pushing her farther away... An two, you have to be patient, you do not know how it is losing parents. It is hard, very hard... so it might take some time.."

Elizabeth nodded again."However long, as long as Lena is back to normal! Thank you so much Ciel!"

Ciel nodded,"Now go, I still have some work to do."

Elizabeth smiled,"Good luck!"

Trapped in the Guard Dogs Cage | Ciel PhantomhiveWhere stories live. Discover now