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"What do you mean by... disability?..."

To Ciel, Isabellena seemed like any normal girl her age - awfully quiet - but normal. The news that she had some kind of disability puzzled him greatly.

Elizabeth nodded,"Well... from what I heard from my parents and others, was that she had a learning problem. Always getting bad grades, never paying attention to her tutor or finishing her work..."

"... it was so bad that her parents would lock her up in her room whenever they had guest over, so she would not be able to embarrass them..."

Ciel's heart filled with anger over the thought of two people who you trust to protect you from everything evil in the world, locking someone who would not know better, up just because they were embarrassed.

Ciel curled his fists up, and was trying to calm his anger when a thought hit him.

"But wait... you said, 'or so they thought'... What does that mean?"Ciel asked, the wheels in his mind turning.

Elizabeth tilted her head,"Huh? You could not tell?"She asked.

"Could not tell what?!"Ciel ordered, a little embarrassed about not getting whatever it was he wasn't getting.

Elizabeth giggled,"Well, the reason Lena was thought to have a learning disability was not because she could not understand what was being taught... it was because she already knew what was being taught..."

Ciel shook his head slowly after a minute, still not getting what the bubbly girl was talking about.

And from the look on Sebastian's face told that he too did not either.

"I still do not understand..."

Elizabeth sighed."Really Ciel... you should have at least heard the gossip. It was found out not to long ago..."

"Just spit it out already!"

"Isabellena Carrington is a recognised genius..."

Ciel paused for a second, the words Elizabeth's mouth making his mind freeze up.

A genius?

How could a quiet girl like Isabellena, be a genius. She was always quiet... she never really seemed interested in anything....

Ciel almost face palmed. How could he not see that.

Isabellena was able to understand what the Undertaker was talking about before he even finished!

And you'd have to be some kind of mind reader to understand what comes out of his mind.

"It was a shame. Lena could have went on to do much bigger things, but she only wanted to keep her Family's Business... i wonder why? If i was a genius, I would want it to be known world wide!"Elizabeth exclaimed.

"Hmm. Maybe she wanted to keep it on the down low, perhaps?"Sebastian suggested.

Elizabeth's eyes widened and she about folded herself in half, seeing as to how much she pushed herself against the table.

"OH!~ You know what i heard my parents saying!"She exclaimed loudly in a whisper.

Ciel cocked and eyebrow,"What?"

Elizabeth made a motion with her eyes about looking around for any easedroppers before looking directly into Ciel's eyes.

"Apparently, one time when the Carrington's were out in town, Lena had wondered off and ended up in the middle of a gang fight and had witnessed one of them kill another. And it seemed that they noticed her too. So not wanting to go to jail for murder, they went after Lena..."Elizabeth explained.

Ciel's eyes widened once again. Lena had witnessed a murder, and was the target of a gang attack!

"What did her parents do?"Ciel almost felt compelled to ask.

"Since they did not want the publicity about letting their daughter die from the hands of a gang, they hired some of the best bodyguards to keep her safe...

that is were the rumor that the gang that Lena stumbled upon, killed her parents..."Elizabeth whispered,"... if they could not get Lena, then just go for her parents..."

Ciel narrowed his eyes. What luck did his Investigation partner had.

Elizabeth opened her mouth to say more, but got interrupted.

"Yes. What a shame. My poor master had such a harsh life, but it is all better now that i am here to help her through it..."

Everyone turned to see a smiling Nicolas standing in the doorway of the dining room.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with Isabellena?"Ciel asked, annoyed that the stupid butler interrupted his investigation time.

Nicolas chuckled a little as he walked in farther, his hands behind his back.

"Ah, My Lady is resting comfortably in her bed, asleep. She asked me to make sure everything was alright down here... but, i see it is, so i only have one request..."

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