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"Where do you think they are?"

"Judging by the markings on the ground, it seems like there was a small scuffle.."

"Do you believe that they were kidnapped? By the London Fours?"

"I am sure that my master would not have let anyone take himself or Lady Carrington if it was not the London Fours.."

A blue haired male sighed through his nose, his eyes falling close."I guess their mission has started."

"That it has indeed."His black haired partner agreed.

..Somewhere Unknown..

Rolling from her back onto her stomach, Isabellena coughed a few times, attempting to peel her eyelid open. They felt like they were tied down with heavy weights. It also felt like someone was using her head as an instrument.

"Nghnn.."She groaned quietly.

Slowly she peeked her eyes opened, trying to take in her surroundings. The first thing Isabellena noticed was that she was not lying on concrete but instead dirt. The dirt was clumped and smelled awful - like a pigs pen. It took everything she had not to gag.

Lifting her head up, Isabellena placed a hand gingerly to her temple, wincing at the contact. It throbbed painfully and in turn she curled her fingers up stopping all contact.

"What is going...?"

Isabellena's voice was light, her breath creating small dirt tsunami's infront of her. She took the time to wiggle all of her fingers and toes awake as she waited for her eyes to adjust to the dim light the showered her.

Going from the dirt floor she was so comfortably laying on, the dirt rusted bars that looked to be growing from the ground were the next thing Isabellena noted. The bars were floor to ceiling surrounding her from her left, and front. She had a brick wall to her back from what she saw - no window- and a dark colored curtain hanging to her right.

This place... it's...

Realising the situation Isabellena's body shot straight up, clambering to sit on her legs, her eyes wide and searching.

"We got caught."Was the first complete sentence that had passed from between her lips. Lord Ciel is not with me.. he must have gotten taken somewhere else.. hopefully nothing has happened.. yet...

"Okay now.. concentrate.. focus on your surroundings."

Standing to her feet Isabellena walked to the front portion of her cell - cage, grasping onto the bars gently. Rust fell off with the slightest touch.

From what she could make out in the dim light - light coming from a few candles pitched to the wall about three feet from her - the floor outside the bars were made of yellow Stone, rodent dropping lining were the wall met the stone. Instantly her nose circled up in disgust.

Looking to her left, Isabellena could only partially see the wall not but 10-15 feet down. Furthermore, the portion of the space to the left of her cage was darkened, making it hard for her to tell what was over there. She could only assume that it was an open space.

Looking to her left, Isabellena noted a small hallway that led to a single doorway on the left side.

Could it lead to another hallway? An opening to a door? Stairs?

Trapped in the Guard Dogs Cage | Ciel PhantomhiveWhere stories live. Discover now