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  "Here we are My Lady!"Nicolas cheered, a bright smile on his face as he helped Isabellena out of the carriage an onto the ground.

"Thank you.."

"You are most certainly welcome. Would you like me to escort you inside the house, My Lady?"

Isabellena shook her head,"No it is alright. You put the carriage away. I will wait for you inside."

Nicolas bowed at the waist, the cold evening breeze tussling his soft blue hair around as it blew by,"As you wish."

Turning around, Nicolas hoped back up in front of the carriage an grabbed the reins, giving Isabellena a wink as he drove off, leaving her to watch him as he disappeared behind a small line of trees.

Isabellena stayed still, watching the darkening sky, only moving when a breeze, colder then the last, snuck by, making her shiver lightly.

Turning, Isabellena took short, precise steps all the way up to her steps an up, raising a hand to the front door's grand sliver handle.

Slowly opening the left side door of the two large oak doors, Isabellena stepped inside, the creaking of the old door fimiliar to her ears, shutting the door behind her with a loud bang.

Isabellena looked up into her home's dark foyer, her head tilted a bit to the right, her eyes devoid of any emotion.

"... I am home... mother... father..."

The genius girl was only answered by eerie silence...

At The Phantomhive Manor...

"Oh no! Lady Elizabeth watch out!"


"It's behind you! 'xcuse me My Lady!"

"Finnian! There it is! It is on your shoulder now!"

"Eh! Where!? Where is it!? Get it off me~!"

Ciel sat in his ball room, his head in his hands as he listened to his fiancée an his three servant run around an yell like idiots.

It had only been a few hours since Isabellena an Nicolas left along with Sebastian not to long after, an ever since then, things have been just chaos.

Elizabeth thought it would be fun to throw a small ball, but it quickly got ruined when an unwanted guest decided to show up...

An that unwanted guest was a mouse...

A mouse that the three servant of the Phantomhive Manor should have caught days ago.

Thats why they haven't made an appearance yet. But it seems the three idiots haven't caught the stupid rodent...

"Oh! I have it! I have it! I have it!"Finnian - the gardener - yelled after he just did a swan dive onto the floor, his hands cupped.

"Eh? Really? Are you sure?"Bart - the cook - question, leaning the meat tenderizer he held as a weapon against his right shoulder, his cigarette almost falling out of his mouth.

Mey-Rin - the house maid - who was standing next to Elizabeth to protect her if the rodent decided to come her way, shook her head frantically,"Yeah! You should make sure you got it first! Yes you should, yes!"

Finnian furrowed his brows as he stared intently at his hands, trying to see if he felt anything move under his hands,"I do not feel anything..."The gardener stop when he felt something nudge his hand.

"Aw~! It just touched my hand... Wait... Ah! It just touched my hand! Ah! Help me Bart! Save me!"Finnian screamed, jumping up an into the arms of Bart, who started panicking.

Trapped in the Guard Dogs Cage | Ciel PhantomhiveWhere stories live. Discover now