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After securing a few more loads, Isabellena and Nicolas entered the carriage set on heading back to the Phantomhive Manor. It was already a quarter passed 1 in the afternoon and Isabellena was in need of lunch.

"Here you go My Lady. Are you prepared for the journey?"Nicolas questioned as he helped Isabellena up into her seat. She nodded in response.

"Do you remember what we talked about this morning regarding Phantomhive?"The look Isabellena gave him was his answer. Nicolas chuckled,"Good. Don't worry My Lady, it will all be over before you know it."He added with a smile,"If he starts to give you a hard time, I will be there to deal with him accordingly."

This time Isabellena didn't acknowledge her butler. Only simply turned her head down, placing her hands neatly in her lap, and began playing with the bracelet on her wrist.

Seeing she wasn't going to comment, Nicolas lightly patted her left knee before slipping out of the carriage and hopping up in the drivers seat.

"Phantomhive Manor here we come~"

Phantomhive Manor...

The moment that the two walked into Ciel's manor, Isabellena knew something was amiss. The air seemed different somehow in a way that she couldn't describe. She shrugged it off though as she walked up to greet Ciel in the middle of the foyer with Nicolas at her side.

Ciel tried to tone down his smirk as he watched with a close eye as Isabellena stopped infront of him.

"How well is it to finally see you again, My Lady?"Ciel bowed his head a fraction never letting his contact with the dark haired girl go.

Both himself and Sebastian - who stood off to his right - were expecting for Isabellena to stare at them with her hypnotising eyes while Nicolas answered in his usual irking tone. Ciel had quickly grown used to the Lady's way of acting, it was something - as stated - he was expecting from her.

What the two did not expect was for Isabellena to brush right past Ciel going towards the stairs, assumabley to his study while Nicolas followed right, a ridiculous grin growing on his lips as he passed by. He even furthered the sudden confusion by staring directly down at Ciel as he passed by as Ciel could only look at him with surprise.

"Um... pardon?"

Without stopping on the stairs or looking back, Nicolas answered.

"Is something wrong, My Lord? We have business to attend to."

Ciel could practically see Nicholas's smirk grow manical as he followed Isabellena up on the second floor.

"Excuse me?" Ciel answered, his surprise quickly dropping, the feeling being replaced by anger. What the hell was going on with Isabellena and her annoying Butler.

He couldn't keep up. One second she was was friendly - as friendly as a semi-mute girl was, next she is ignoring his existence, then she going on to be quite talkative, and now she not ignoring his existence but is... is acting like she doesn't not like him in the slightest. Ciel was quite sure if he wasn't Ciel Phantomhive, he would have been lying flat of his face from the constant mood changes.

The two guest ignored Ciel and proceed up to his study. Ciel looked to Sebastian like he was just slapped. Sebastian seemed to be feeling the same, looking at his master with raised brows.

"Maybe this is a great chance to test our theory, My Lord."

Ciel didn't know what to say. Turning, he followed after the two mysteries, finding them in his study. Isabellena was sat in the same chair she had occupied just but what seemed like years ago. Nicolas was at her right side, seemingly to have a silent conversation with her, one that ended when him and Sebastian entered.

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