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Sitting down in his chair in his study, Ciel rested an elbow on the arm, leaning his head an his knuckles, using his free hand to rub circles in his temple.

"Did you have to much fun while I was gone, Young Master?"Sebastian teased as he shut the door an walked up to the desk.

Ciel glared at his butler, feeling his anger start to rise... anger the young man did not even know he felt.

"Quick trying to make jokes Sebastian... this is serious!"Ciel ordered. Sebastian only bowed his head,"... Good. Now you said you had quite a bit of information?"

Sebastian nodded, taking his hands from behind his back, using his left hand to reach inside his coat, pulling out a small stack of papers. Only about 2 or 3 pages thick.

"I went an visited some of the families of the deceased, an asked them if they knew the whereabouts of their children a few nights before their murder."Sebastian stated, holding the papers out to take.

"And these are your notes?"

Sebastian nodded as Ciel unfolded an started to skim over the notes,"I also asked if the deceased had any contact with the gang called 'London Fours'?"

Ciel nodded,"It says here that most of them did not know that the London Fours even existed.."

Sebastian smiled,"Yes. An it also seems that none of the victims knew each other prior..."

Ciel furrowed his brows,"Wait a second..."Ciel then started to look through some of the papers he had scattered on his desk, looking for the papers the Isabellena had brought when she arrived.

Finding them quickly, Ciel quickly started to breeze over the reports about the crime scenes again.

"From what the police were able to get from witnesses, they had seen the two latest victims together a week before they were found murdured.... how is it that they did not know each other?"Ciel asked.

Sebastian tilted his head to the side,"Maybe the kidnapper forces them to get to know each other? Kind of like a twisted version of 'Romeo and Juliet'.."

"Hmm..."Ciel mumbled, setting down the papers in his hands,"... Do you think the victims could be chosen at random an then forced to play out the old tale of forbidden love by this psycho? Only more gruesome..."Ciel asked.

Sebastian furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, a frown on his face.

"That could be possible, but that would only make it harder to pin point the next victim..."

Ciel groaned,"Great..."Ciel grumbled,"... Did you find anything on this 'Savior' then?"

Sebastian shook his head,"I asked around but nobody really wanted to speak."Sebastian stated, an just as Ciel was about to start complaining, he started again,".. But from the places the victims frequented before they were kidnapped, I have it narrowed down to a one-mile radius of where it would be best to deploy Lady Carrington's plan."

Ciel's turned a little flustered at the mention of Isabellena Carrington, an averted his eye away from Sebastian.

"O-oh? That is good then.."Ciel mumbled.

Sebastian smirked,"Ah~... Are you still thinking about Lady Carrington ? How could you My Lord?"The black haired butler teased, smirking harder when he noticed his masters face get redder.

"I a-am only wondering when she will return! We have work to do an we can not do it of she is not here!"Ciel cursed himself when his voice wavered slightly.

Sebastian held his hands up, looking down in defense."There is no reason to get upset, Young Master. I was only curious.."

"Well stop being curious!"

"If you wish.."

It was true. Ciel has been grumpier then he usually was, but it only started when Isabellena left. It was like Isabellena made him calm. Made him feel normal just by being next to him.

But now that she was gone, all the anger an stress that had disappeared with her presence was coming back full force...

Ciel took a couple of deep breaths.

"... Sebastian?..."


"I also need you to look into something else for me... another murder..."

At The Carrington Manor...

"Here are this years sales report so far, My Lady!"Nicolas said cheerful as he walked into the large library that was situated deep inside the Carrington Mansion.

Walking directly into the middle of the room, past countless bookcases, Nicolas spotted his master sitting peacefully on her legs in the middle of the library, her hands folded neatly in her lap, her hair undid from her braid an falling gently over her shoulders an back.

"Hm?"Isabellena looked up at the sound of her butlers approach. She had been in deep thought but was broken out of it by Nicolas's voice.

"The sales reports you requested. Here they are."Nicolas repeated, kneeling down on one knee an setting the papers down into Isabellena's awaiting hands.

Isabellena nodded, quickly going to work at spreading the papers out neatly infront of her, along with the case reports Nicolas had also given to her earlier.

Nicolas stood up, an amazed look on his face as he watched Isabellena work.

"It will, to the end of your time, amaze me how your mind works..."Nicolas said, crossing his arms behind his back.

Isabellena seemingly ignored him as she finished spreading out the papers, leaning back on her legs, assuming the same position she was in just moments before.

Nicolas watched as his master closed her eyes, taking a deep breath to clear her mind, and then watched amazed as she opened her eyes again,an quickly started to mumbled things aloud.

He could barely catch what she was saying, and even if he did catch it, it made no sense to him.

"... Shipload entry... 725,000 pounds... bargain... sold only 3 quarters.... inside intelligence.."Those were just a few of the words Isabellena said that Nicolas could catch.

Her dainty hands would hover over a paper for a second before she moved it onto another, her eyes never staying locked onto one position.

Nicolas has seen this exact picture countless of times over the years he has worked for Isabellena Carrington, an it intrigues him to no end how such a mere human could have such a mind capable of seeing and working out things that normal humans could not.

Nicolas stayed dutifully by his masters side as Isabellena became trapped in a world of a thousand senerios and millions of numbers, and he would stay by here side until she was able to break free of it....

An a few minutes later... She was free.


"Yes My Lady?"

"... I need to make a letter addressed to the Carrington Manufacturing Company... for 1,600 cases of the last years modeled guns..."

"Of course. I will be back soon with a paper an pen."

Leaving without a sound, Nicolas disappeared.

Isabellena slumped her shoulders, glancing down at her hands. Her head hurt, feeling a migraine coming on.

"En!"Isabellena winced, closing one eye an bringing a hand to her head."Ow.."

It happened every time she did this. Every time she put her brain into overdrive, she would get a migraine, which would last a few hours.

Sighing, Isabellena looked straight up at the ceiling, her face still scrunched in pain.

"It will not be much longer... can January 12th come any faster?...."

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