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"How much longer do we have to bloody walk through this stuff!"Ciel complained once again as he struggled to walk through tall weeds and bushes, getting more angrier as he kept having to yank his shorts and jacket out of thick thorn bushes.

Oh this Edgar what-ever-his-name-is was really going to get it, when he got there.

"Just a little bit longer, My lord.... i could always carry you if you would like?"Sebastian said from just a few feet behind him, a big smirk on his face.

Ciel turned and glared harshly at Sebastian,"I already told you no! Now stop asking!"Ciel grunted.

There was a semi quiet chuckle that made Ciel turn to his left, instantly letting his eyes land on a mop of - to Ciel - ugly light blue hair.

"Is there something you find funny, Mr. Nicolas?"Ciel sneered, but it seemed to fly right over the butlers head.

"Nothing at all, Lord Phantomhive! I am just thinking, is all."Nicolas chuckled again once more before he turn forward again, easily gliding through the mess of green plants, and brown branches.

"Ra ra ra..."Ciel mimicked in a rude way, annoyed even more when a stray branch wacked him in the side of his head.

There was a quiet grunt and the sound of cloth being ripped. Ciel turned to the sound confused, seeing Isabellena looking down and behind her.

"Is something wrong?"Ciel asked before he could stop himself. At the beginning of there journey, Ciel promised himself he wouldn't talk to Isabellena unless she talked to him first.

It seemed he broke that promise in just under half and hour.

"Are you injured?"Sebastian asked as Nicolas turned around an made his way back to his master who stood still a few feet behind him.

Isabellena didn't say a word. Only reaching down to grab something from a bush near the ground before turning back to face everyone, holding her hand out.

"Huh?"Ciel mumbled to himself.

It was a peice of fabric about 5 inches long and 2 and a half inches along. It was also a ocean blue... the same color as Isabellena's dress...

"Oh no your dress!"Nicolas said, grabbing the fabric from Isabellena's hand and examining it.

"I hope we are almost there."Isabellena whispered quietly, looking back at the torn spot of her dress.

"Only just a few more hundred feet, and we should be on Mr. Winhouse's front door."Sebastian said with a kind smile.

"Yes. And then I can find a suitable solution to this... little problem of ours..."Nicolas said with a serious expression, as he slightly glared at the torn piece of cloth.

How dare a stupid thorn bush rip his masters dress! How unforgivable!


So sorry it's so short! I deleted the whole chapter yesterday, but i knew you guys were waiting... so here is what i typed up.

Sorry its not much, but more should be coming soon!!!!

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