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"So it was that butler that was owed the favor?..."Ciel asked, resting his elbow on the arm of his chair.

Isabellena nodded, but not elaborating on the subject, though Ciel wasn't going to let her off so easily...

"What could a mere butler do to have such a upper hand on a member of the police?"Ciel asked.

Isabellena's eyes were stuck on Ciel's dark blue one,"There is a lot of things that Nicolas can do... and that member of the police... He was just-" Isabellena's soft voice was interrupted by a loud and squeaky one.

"Oh Ciel~!"

Ciel's eye widened and Isabellena flinched.

"Oh goodness..."Ciel grumbled, rubbing the bridge of his nose, his eyes falling closed.

"What was that?"Isabellena questioned quietly, still shocked over the loud sound that had pierced her ear drums.

Not but a few seconds later did Nicolas come running out of the kitchen, his jacket off and the sleeves of his white button up, rolled to his elbows. His eyes immediately searched for Isabellena, wanting to make sure that his master was all right.

Nicolas's worried expression soon changed to one of confusion when he noted that both his young master and the young lord were both still sitting at the dining table in perfect condition.

Standing up straight, Nicolas turned to Isabellena with furrowed brows,"May I ask what the ruckus is about? Is everything alright, My Lady?"He asked, stepping closer to the black haired Lady.

"I am just fine... Nicolas..."Isabellena whispered, feeling safe now that she had someone familiar by her side. Isabellena then turned her attention to Ciel,"Do you know what that was?"It sounded an awful lot like a person, but you can never be too sure.

Ciel started to grumbled quietly to himself as Sebastian made his way next to his master, a sort of concerned and annoyed look across his facial features,"I could have sworn I sent out the letter that alerted her that you would be working on an investigation... I guess she must not have have read it..."

"Oh Ciel~! There you are!"Suddenly, before anyone could react, a pink and blonde blur busted through the dining room foors and striaght into Ciel, almost knocking him from his chair.

Isabellena's eyes widened at the sight of the blur - instantly recognizing who the blur turned out to be.

Along with the recognition came a fast wave of remembrance - pictures and small scenes started to play in her head.

From beside the small blonde, Nicolas began to grow worried.

"Elizabeth! What are you doing here! Did you not get my letter to not come over?"Ciel huffed, pulling thin arms from around his neck.

Pulling away from the upset boy, a girl with long, curled pigtails and a bright pink dress smiled.

"But I could not wait a month to see yoy! And how many times have I told you to call me Lizzy...?"The Lady huffed.

Ciel rubbed his temples,"I have a guest right now, and I am doing business, can you wait-"

Ciel was cut off.

"Oh! Who is your guest!? Is it someone I know!?"Elizabeth exclaimed, spinning to face the dead silent Lady and her worried butler.

Locking her eyes on Isabellena, Elizabeth froze...

But it was broken not but a second later.


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