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"... This 'Savoir' must be a real piece of work if he was able to make the original leader of the London Fours run like a squealing rat.."Ciel suggested, bringing his tea cup up to his lips, taking a small sip before setting in back down.

"... Yes. Making - from what we understand to be a very feared gang in the London undergrounds - turn from selling drugs an weapons to make millions, to killing people for nothing... He must have a lot of authority to throw around..."Sebastian added from his spot behind Ciel.

"Or it could be Savior's pal that is actually running things... You know like having a front man to take the fall if things happen to go south."Nicolas added.

"... Or they could be sharing the leader ship,"Isabellena mumbled, her voice low,"One to run the organization... An the other running wildly, satisfying his thirst for blood an torture..."

Ciel nodded, taking an considering each one of their thoughts,"Yes... That is, even if the London Four are the one who committed the crimes.. Sebastian did suggested it could be an independent serial killer who might have something against the London Fours..."

"Do you think maybe Edgar Winhouse might be the killer? Being chased out of your own million dollar business by some nobody is a very reasonable motive, My Lord."Sebastian threw out as a suggestion.

Isabellena shook her head, an Nicolas answered,"My Lady highly doubts that. Just by the mention of Savior's nickname sent him into a frenzy. An he rigged his home up with such deadly traps... He seems much to afraid to risk his life trying to set the London Fours up."

Ciel put a hand to his chin in thought,"Yes. I suppose that is true."Ciel's forehead creased as he tried to think hard,".. I guess we will have to look into this Savior... An quick. The Queen is worried that young couples will be to afraid to have a night out on the town in fear of being tortured an killed. An with the upcoming season starting soon... This will only lead to a disaster.."Ciel stated, closing his one eyes.

Sebastian bowed,"It is still early My Lord, I can find out a little more on this 'Savior' character an still be back to prepare dinner, that is if you wish?"

Ciel waved his hand,"Whatever makes this case move along."Ciel mumbled with a grunt,"... I have other things I would like to look into too.."At that, Ciel peeked his eye open an glanced at Isabellena, who was looking at his large collection of books.

Nicolas looked to Isabellena,"What should we do, My Lady?"

Isabellena thought for a moment before she answered,"The London Fours dealt with weapons, correct?"

"Yes, My Lady."

"Then there is a very good chance that the guns they bought an sold were ones that the Carrington Manufacturing Company made.."Isabellena suggested, a wondering look on her face,"We could try an see if we can get a spy inside by way of bargaining more of our guns for sell... an try to gather intelligence that way.. it may be a stretch considering the big changes that have went on there though..."

It still amazed Ciel of how quick an complete Isabellena could come up with plans an senerios. He seems to always forgets she is a genius.

Isabellena then turned to Ciel,"That is, only if Lord Ciel can pin point the whereabouts of the London Fours... That way it would cut down the time of searching for a way to get noticed..."She added.

Ciel nodded,"Sebastian will have the location of the organization soon, if not by tomorrow evening."

Isabellena looked to the side,"Then we must go, Nicolas. There is a lot to prepare, if the plan is to go without a hitch.."

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