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"Actually My Lady... Why don't we let Mr. Edgar go first. In case of any... Surprise attacks..."Nicolas said, making Isabellena stop feet away from the front door.

"Shall we?"Nicolas asked, picking Edgar up by the back collar of his shirt, nearly choking the man before he could get his feet under him.

Sebastian walked on the other side of Edgar, prepared to restrain the man if he tried to release himself from Nicolas's hold.

Ciel turned and walked up next to Isabellena, crossing his arms over his chest, watching with a narrowed eye as their two butlers dragged the ex-gang member to his front door.

"Some threat he is..."Ciel muttered to himself, though he found himself hoping that Isabellena would answer back. Even if it was just a hum in response.

Anything really...

He wasn't used to a Lady being so quiet - Elizabeth being the usual type of Lady - an it was quite unnerving how she was able to just ignore his presence for so long.

But alas, Isabellena said nothing. Only staring straight ahead, her eyes following every movement that Edgar Winhouse made.

Ciel couldn't help but grunt quietly in anger. He wasn't going to say anything during the investigation, but when they got back to his manor, he was going to have quite a long talk with the young lady.

"Here we go!"Sebastian said, waving a hand towards the front door, a slick smile on his face.

"Why don't you do the honors?"Nicolas asked, pushing Edgar closer to his front door.

Edgar quickly put his hands up, slamming them down on the door frame.

"Aye! You are the one who wants to enter, why don't you go in first!?"Edgar retorted, his breathing a little hard.

Nicolas tilted his head to the side, his eyebrows pulling together.

"Why? Well you are the owner of the house an we are just simply guests. It would be rude of us to just walk in.."Sebastian answered, slowly lowering his hand, turning his head slightly to glance at the front door.

Despite being rotten and almost falling apart, the door seemed completely normal to him.

Edgar smiled alittle,"Ah, but I insist...."

"What is taking so long!? Hurry up Sebastian!"Ciel complained. He wouldn't say it aloud, but he was tired too, an frankly, he was contemplating just sitting down on the ground at this point.

"Just a moment more, young master! We seemed to have hit a bump in the road..."Sebastian called back, a closed eyes smile gracing his face.

Ciel rolled his eyes,"Whatever, just hurry up..."Ciel grumbled.

"Of course young master.."

Pushing a little harder on the base of Edgar's neck, Nicolas tried to force the man closer to the front door.

"What is wrong?... Is something going to happen when you open the door?"Nicole questioned, pushing harder when Edgar tried to pull back.

"Why don't... you open it... and.. find... out..!"Edgar struggled against the constant pressure being applied to his neck, his face just inches from the door.

Nicolas shook his head, steeling his feet, preparing to just shove the mans head through his door,"I guess you leave us no choice then..."


Freezing instantly, Nicolas stopped all movement, his eyes wide.

From beside her, Ciel turned to Isabellena, his mouth falling open slightly.

Her tone was sharp an short. It shocked just about everyone.

Looking over his shoulder, Nicolas's light pink eyes locked onto his master. He noticed though that Isabellena wasn't looking at him.

"What is it?"Ciel questioned.

Isabellena said nothing, only taking a few steps forward before stopping an raising her hand.

"Look..."She mumbled.

Following her finger, Nicolas glanced up, looking just above the door. That was when he first noticed a small doorbell above the door and the right side. Kind of like the one you see at business.

"It is just a doorbell."Nicolas mumbled.

"Look closer.."

Following his masters orders, Nicolas squinted his eyes, trying to find anything out of place about the ordinary doorbell.

An just when he was about to give up, an ask Isabellena what she was talking about, he noticed it.

A thin, clear, almost unnoticeable thread was strung through the hook that the bell hung from. Nicolas only noticed it because of the small amount of sunlight shining on it.

"Now what is that?"Nicolas mumbled.

Looking up too, Sebastian caught sight of the string, frowning. Following the line, the two butler saw that at one end of the string was tied to a splinter that was sticking up from the middle right of the warped door, an the other side disappeared through a crack between the door and door frame.

"What is it?"Ciel asked again, more liked demanded, as he started walking closer. He wanted to know what everyone else saw.

Sebastian held a hand up to stop his master, his eyes still locked on the door.

"Hold on for just a moment more My Lord..."

Ciel stopped short, but started to glare.

Nicolas looked back down at Edgar,"Well would you look at that... He may not be strong but he seems to have some kind of a brain..."

"Let us see if it can withstand what is behind this door.."

Edgar's eyes widened when he heard that, an he had no time to react when Nicolas pulled him back by his collar an Sebastian stepped out of the way.

"You better start praying to whatever God you believe in.."Nicolas whispered in his ear.

An not a second later did Edgar feel himself being pushed forward.

He could only yell.


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