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"So what important information did you find out last night?"Ciel asked as he walked calmly to his study, the mornings newspaper tucked under his right arm.

Sebastian who was only a shadows footstep behind smiled,"Well... the story that Lady Elizabeth retold for us about Lady Carrington walking in on a gang hit, it is indeed true."

Ciels brow raised,"So they did murder her parents then, correct?"

Sebastian smiled, his shiny black hair moving ever so soft as he shook his head,"On the contrary My Lord. There was no evidence that the gang had been anywhere near the Carrington Manor. Or within miles to add."

Ciel purse his lips as Sebastian set a rustled up newspaper before him."What is this?"

"This is a newspaper that was printed the day after the Carringtons were murdered."

Ciel picked up the stack of paper, his eye skimming over the front page.


Lord Hillard Marls Carrington and Lady Patraicia Linette Carrington found dead inside of their burning manor early Monday morning. Sources say that the couples daughter, young Isabellena Rose Carrington was found huddled inside of a small garden shed with a butler.

Sources also say that the young Carrington was covered in blood while her butler had not a drop of blood on his clothes.

When seperated and questioned, it was reported-

Ciel look up from the paper,"Butler?..."He mumbled,"Nikolas you suppose?"

Sebastian nodded,"That is what the papers describes him as."

"Have you looked up his record? Read about any of his previous jobs?"

"My Lord.. we both know what his other jobs were like.."

Ciel looked at Sebastian seriously for a moment, taking a moment to think,"Of course... Sebastian... do you think Lady Carrington knows?"He asked as he looked back down to the papers on his desk.

Sebastian closed his eyes in thought,"Its hard to say.. Lady Carrington is quite a mystery herself."

Ciel nodded in agreement."You're right."He furrowed his brows,"But the two of them are close,"Too close,"so she must have some sort of idea, especially taking into consideration of how long they have been together... she must have some clue.."

"Well... we can always test our theories when they return tonight." Sebastian offered and Ciel looked at him almost curiously,"I'm pretty sure - if our hunch turns true - Lady Carrington is probably thinking the same about you and I... maybe the Lady has already started her tests.."

Ciel sighed heavily, using his right hand to massage his temple,"I thought the times of playing games were over."He fussed to himself before leaning back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest."Lady Carrington does not seen the type to play games either..."

"Would you like me to look into our mystery Lady as well, My Lord?"

"What need would we have of doing that?"

"Well My Lord, there was a period of time - right before her parents death - that all existence of Lady Isabellena was taking off the face of the planet. No one had seen or heard from her a month prior to the fire, guests that were over reported that when asked about her whereabouts, that Lord Hillard would act as if he never heard their question, Lady Patraicia never once getting up to check in her well being... The next time she was seen was-"

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