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  Edgar's face stopped just inches from being pushed through the door an his head being subjected to whatever was on the other side.

Nicolas sighed once more, an exasperated expression on his face,"What is it now?"Nicolas's voice was laced with annoyance.

"D-don't! It took me forever to get this set up!"Edgar's words were fast an you can here a small trace of fear,"There is a side door we can use..."

Sebastian an Nicolas shared a look before nodding. Sebastian turned on his heels an faced Isabellena and Ciel.

"Please follow us, My Lady an Lord."

Ciel let out a sigh of relief. Even though it was still early in the morning, it was approaching winter so the air had a slight chill to it, an having been outside for almost a few hours, Ciel was cold.

And if he was cold, he knew Isabellena had to be too.

Ciel turned his head to look at Isabellena,"Let us go inside."

Isabellena shifted her eyes over to Ciel, their eyes connecting for a few seconds... an in those few seconds Ciel saw something flash before her eyes.

... Help...

When Ciel's eye widened slightly, Isabellena looked away an to the ground, only nodding her head.

"What?..."Ciel mumbled to himself as he watched Isabellena follow their butlers an their first suspect around the left side of the house.

Shaking his head, Ciel followed after her, coming up beside Isabellena on her left side.

He couldn't help but wonder what that look meant that she gave him. Was something wrong with Lady Carrington?... Or did he just read her emotions wrong? Ciel never really could read a womens emotions right.

Ciel glanced at the girl beside him from the corner of his eye. Isabellena was a hard one to read after all...

Inside Edgar Winhouse's House...

Ever heard the saying 'Do not judge a book by it's cover'? Well that was the saying that was running through the heads of the four guests.

Outside, Edgar Winhouse's looking like it was about to fall apart the second a big bad wolf decided to blow it over, an that nobody lived there in decades. The wood walls warped an weeds growing up the side, probably the only thing holding it together...

But no...

In the inside, it was fit for a king. The most elegant designed wallpaper covered the nice, sturdy walls. The most softest carpet covered the floor. An the Ex-gang member had what looked like countless expensive trinkets scattered all around the small, three roomed shack- house.

The four guests looked around in slight awe of how much different it looked inside then out.

Edgar chuckled at their expressions,"Not much of an ex-gang member am I?"

Nicolas tossed Edgar onto the floor of his living room - at least they guessed it was his living room. Isabellena did spot a small bed in the corner.

"Aye! What did you do that for-"

"Nuh uh uh... We will be asking this questions first, Mr. Edgar..."Sebastian interrupted. Edgar sent him a glare.

Standing to his feet, the average height, plump man dusted himself off,"You guys do not look like the kind of guys he would sent to shut me up... Who are you guys?..."He asked, walking over an sitting in a nice, plush red chair.

Ciel stepped forward,"I am the Earl of the Phantomhive Manor, Lord Ciel Phantomhive."Ciel said in a strong voice, authority an power just wafting off of his tone an stance.

Edgar snorted,"Should have known. All you little wealthy brats look the same..."

Ciel glared, ready to give Edgar a piece of his mind,"Why you basta-"

"If I may, Lord Ciel,"Nicolas interrupted, but didn't even wait for Ciel to respond as he faced Edgar, bowing at the waist with a hand over his heart.

"... An this is my master and Lady, Lady Isabellena Carrington, heir to the Carrington Company and fortune.."Nicolas proclaimed proudly.

"Carrington?"Edgar mumbled,"... Carrington, Carrington.... Oh yeah! Are you not the daughter of those wealthy bastards that died years ago?"Edgar asked, relaxing back in his chair.

Nicolas's face turned surprised,"I thought we had established that we would be the ones asking questi-"

"Yeah! I remember, yeah... Because we were the ones blamed for-"

"We will be asking the questions here!"Nicolas growled, his expression deadly. He was over joking now...

Edgar leaned forward, his eyes trained on Isabellena,"You know... Have I not seen you before?"He asked the quiet girl, who stood statue still, her eyes also trained on him.

"I have never seen you before in my life..."

Edgar smiled,"Oh I think not... I would never forget such beautiful eyes as you have... My Lady..."

Isabellena's hands tightened into fist at her side, her breathing turning a little shallow.

"As I have said before.. I do not know you-"Isabellena's soft voice was easily over powered.

"You were the one in that alley way give or take 10 ye-"

Edgar stopped his ranting as the sound of a sharp slap echoed around the small room.

Edgar's eyes widened as he slowly turned his head back straight, placing a hand on his left cheek.

"We are not here to play guess who! We are only here to have you answer some of our questions and the faster you do that, the faster we can leave. Do you understand me?"

Looking up, Edgar was met with a terrifying glare from the Earl off the Phantomhive Manor, an instantly shut his mouth when he noticed Ciel's eye shine a faint pink before going back to their usual dark blue.

Isabellena stood shock. She couldn't believe her eyes as she watched Ciel walk over an backhand the man in mid sentence. Her eyes softened slightly as she watched Ciel stand there an lecture the old man, thankful that he was there to stop Edgar from saying anymore.

But with a look from Nicolas, she looked towards the floor.

Ciel stepped back,"Now, we wasted enough time already..."Ciel grumbled, dusting his hands off as he stepped back,"Mr.Edgar Winhouse, what was the name of the gang you were last affiliated with?"Ciel asked leaning against a table, crossing his arms.

Edgar's eyes were wide with fear as he stared at Ciel, their eyes locked in a staring contest of sorts.

"T-the Lo-London Fours.."Edgar stuttered.

Isabellena listened closely now, her mind prepared to remember every single detail of this moment.

Ciel nodded,"An what exactly are the London Fours?.."

"A g-gang in London who are known for trafficking d-drugs, weapons an o-other s-stuff.."

"Tell me, why did you quit? From what I understand, you were quite a high ranking member... A leader if I remember correctly.."

Edgar gulped. He had to look down just so he could talk correctly,"T-this man... He joined a few years ago. Him an his little side kick, they came out of nowhere an just kind of forced themselves into our group.."

Edgar's eyes tuned out for a moment as he remembered some memory.

"... After awhile, they climb up the ranks killing people who got in their way. Eventually after they made it to the top, things started to change..."

Ciel raised an eyebrow.

"What started to change?"Sebastian asked, his head leaning to the side.

Edgar looked up,"... Everything..."  


I am so sorry!!!! lots of things are going on right now in my life, and its been hard to update.... that an I forgot where i had saved these chapters.... I hope you enjoy this chapter. Thank you to everyone who has been patient and understanding!!!!! :)

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