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"And what is that request?"Ciel asked, leaning his cheek on his knuckles.

"Well, as the lovely lady already said, Yes, Isabellena Carrington is a genius... and a perk - as some would call it - she has the inability to forget anything she has every seen or heard..."

In that moment, as stupid as is sounds, Ciel immediately went back to the first moment that he and Isabellena met, wondering if he ever did anything stupid that would be stuck in Isabellena's memory forever.

"What does that have to do with a favor?..."Sebastian asked.

Nicolas eyed the blonde at the other side of the table from the corner of his eyes.

"Being what I said... because she remembers everything that happened in her life, and seeing how far she has came from that time in her life... it would be best not to remind her of it... not to make her bring back any pushed away memories..."Nicolas said

"So I only ask that you will not say anything about her past when My Lady is around..."

Ciel nodded, and as much as it annoyed him to admit it, he agreed with the blue haired butler.

He wouldn't want to see Isabellena in a place where she couldn't come out of herself. He knew what it felt like to be there, and he would hate himself if he had a hand in putting her in a endless pit like that.

"Of course! I would not want Lena to be sad!"Elizabeth shouted, pretty mich voicing Ciel's thoughts.

Nicolas suddenly turned to the bright and happy Lady at the other end of the table, a deadly smile on his lips as his eyes pierced right into her soul.

Elizabeth froze and quietened down immediately.

"Of, I almost forgot. How forgetful of me..."Nicolas said sarcastically.

"Forget what?"Ciel asked, staring at the butlers back.

"Lady Middleton... I'm sorry to inform you that My Lady, Lady Isabellena Carrington, has requested that you stay out of her sight for your time here at the Phantomhive Manor, and for forever.. "

Elizabeth's eyes widened and even Ciel could feel the pure hatred that the blue haired butler had for his blonde fiancee all the way from where he sat.

"W-wha-"Elizabeth's mouth kept opening and closing, but nothing came out.

Ciel was to shocked at the news of the request to even reprimand the butler for his impolite words towards a person of higher status. He could only stare as Nicolas turned to face him, a small, closed eyed smile now on his face.

"An My Lady also is prepared to start work once again bright and early tomorrow. Hope you have the suspect list ready!"

Before anyone could say or do anything more, the blue haired, pink eyed butler disappeared.

"What the..."Ciel mumbled as his eyes drifted from the door in which Nicolas left through, all the way to his silent fiancee.

Ciel furrowed his brows at Elizabeth as she looked down at her plate of food.

"Look... Elizabeth... you do not have to listen to him-"Ciel started.

"Never..."Elizabeth mumbled.

"Never?..."Ciel parroted,"What are you mumbling about?"

Elizabeth looked up to Ciel with oddly serious eyes.

"Never would Lena ask for something like that. I mean, I know her parents dying would change things about her, but Lena was always about friends and family. She would never request for something like that?.."Elizabeth said.

Elizabeth put a hand her her head as she looked away from Ciel. That was when Ciel decided it was time for her to lay down.

Ciel pushed his chair back and stood up,"Sebastian. Take Elizabeth to her room, then meet me up in the Study. We still have work to do."Ciel ordered, dropping his napkin on his plate and starting to make his way towards the door.

"Yes, young master..." Sebastian said bowing.

Ciel was in his own world as he walked towards his study. Everything he learned about Isabellena tonight was both interesting an confusing.

But he couldn't understand. If Isabellena was there when her parent were killed then she would have saw their killer. And if Isabellena had such a remarkable memory, then she would have been able to identify them by now.

Ciel shook his head. Some thing just didn't make sense.

And Ciel wasn't going to stop until it did make sense...

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