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"So, Lord Phantomhive... Will you pay the right price for the answers you seek?"Undertaker asked as he brought both his sleeved hands to cover his mouth.

Ciel sighed, waving his hand in the air towards Sebastian,"Sebastian, you know what to do..."Ciel ordered. Sebastian bowed lightly, a hand over his heart.

"As you wish, young master..."Sebastian said,"... but if I were to give Undertaker his... right price... I would like you and Lady Carrington to wait outside."He added with a small smirk.

Ciel looked at Sebastian blankly before standing up,"Whatever. Just don't take too long, I don't want to miss diner. Lady Carrington, let's go wait."He said, walking over to Isabellena, helping her from the box and outside, Nicolas following closely behind the young Lord and Lady.

Outside, Ciel crossed his arms over his chest, looking out over the street. Isabellena stood silently by his side, looking at the small shop, taking in the recent events that had happened since she had walked in.

"Undertaker... he's quite a fellow..."Isabellena mumbled to anyone who was listening. Ciel snorted, still looking out over the street.

"He knows what most don't. He's a big help on cases where there is little information known."Ciel stated, and Isabellena nodded.

"Is what Lady Carrington not enough for you to work off of?"Nicolas asked, that same sly smirk on his face.

Snapping, Ciel turned to Nicolas and gave him a hard glare,"Do not forget that you are my guest for the time being while Lady Carrington and I work on this case. Butler or not, I will send you packing. Do not test me again!"Ciel growled. He was on the line with the way Nicolas was treating him, and one more slip of the tongue, and that butler will be begging for forgiveness at Ciel's feet.

"Of course, young master. I was only asking how you intend to get information from a coffin maker, when Lady Carrington had already given you the needed facts."Nicolas asked.

As Ciel went to yell at the annoying butler again, he stopped when Isabellena spoke over him.

"What I gave him was the information about the crime scenes, I haven't given him the needed facts to make a suspect list. The Undertaker - who deals with the bodies - will be able to find out any information about the bodies that weren't found at the crime scene. Thus, The Undertaker has information that I do not..."Isabellena took a deep breath after her long explanation, and Ciel stared at her wide eyed.

That was the first time he had ever heard Isabellena speak such a long sentence at such a normal volume. Having gotten used to her soft-spoken-ness, it shocked the young Lord enough to silence him on the matter.

For now...

Nicolas bowed with a hand of his heart,"My apologies, My Lady..."Nicolas whispered. Isabellena eyes the blue haired butler for a moment before nodding, accepting his apology. Even though she knew deep down, this wasn't going to be the time he was going to overstep his boundaries.

As they waited in silence, a sudden fit of loud, ground-shaking laughter filled the air, making Isabellena and her butler look at the small Coffin Shop in confusion, and Ciel sighing loudly.

Turning back towards the front entrance, Ciel motioned for the two to follow him, before walking and opening the door. Upon entering, the three saw Undertaker rolling around on the floor, laughing uncontrollably as Sebastian stood near him, a closed eye smile gracing his features.

Isabellena stood behind Ciel as he looked over at the older men,"Can we speak about the case now?"He asked, a kind of annoyed expression on his face.

The Undertaker suddenly stopped laughing, standing to his feet."Ahh~ Yes! Ask away young Lord~!"He sang.

Ciel one again took his spot on a coffin, releasing a relieved sigh,"Finally... now tell me anything worth mentioning about the bodies..."

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