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"The skin around were the limbs were cut off, were jagged, meaning that the killer didn't use any sort of particularly sharp weapon. Maybe somewhere along the line of a rusted old saw..."Undertaker explained.

"Did it look like they knew what they were doing?"Ciel asked.

Undertaker shook his head,"They was the most unprofessional limb cuttings that have I ever seen."

"Then we could rule out a doctor, or someone with surgical experience."Ciel concluded.

"No.."Isabellena whispered. Ciel looked at her with furrowed brows.

"Why not?"

"If it was so horribly done - like the Undertaker says - maybe that's how the killer wanted it to be. To try and throw the police off his trail."Nicolas explained, earning a nod from Isabellena.

Ciel nodded slowly,"That is possible... hmm. What else do you know about the bodies?"Ciel asked, turning back to The Undertaker.

Undertaker smirked,"There was a little incision on the inside of the bodies left arms, barely noticeable. The cut into the skin showed a marking of a square with a line coming of a few centimeters of each corner..."Undertaker stated.

Nicolas tilted his head to the side,"And what does that have to do with anything?"

Undertaker laughed,"Everything... that symbol... is the crest of a small underground gang. They are from the deep and dark parts of London, a couple miles from were each of the bodies were found..."

Ciel's eyes widened,"I see, so a group of street thugs are murdering innocent kids... How pathetic.."

"Or maybe it is just someone wanting to frame them for murder,"Sebastian added, and Ciel nodded.

"Thank you for your time, Undertaker. An for the information."Ciel said, standing to his feet,.letting Sebastian slid his coat on. Seeing him getting ready to leave, Isabellena got to her feet too, Nicolas quickly helping her with her coat.

Walking out of the small shop, Ciel sighed as Sebastian opened the carriage door, watching as the sly butler helped Isabellena in, before following after her.

Isabellena immediately noticed Ciel's tense atmosphere, studying how he glared out of the window, watching as the stores outside started to pass by as the carriage started to move.

"Is something wrong, Lord Phantomhive?"She asked, her voice soft as ever. Ciel shifted his eyes over to her.

"I just don't understand..."He said,"If it was just a small group of street thugs, why is there the need to send either of us to arrest them?"He grumbled.

Isabellena nodded. That was something that crossed her mind when she heard that it was a little gang. Isabellena looked to her hands,"Maybe they are teaming up with a bigger organization... or they are planning to do something big to make themselves more well known"

Ciel was a little shocked at how wide of scenarios that Isabellena came up with, but he didn't let it show on his face,"Yes.. but do not let this put doubt in your mind that I will not get the suspect list done before you wake up."

Isabellena smiled softly,"I never have any doubt about anything..."

Ciel's eyes narrowed slightly. He wasn't going to say anymore, until a thought popped in his head.

"Since I let you accompany me to Undertaker, you have to tell me how you got those reports so fast, without coming up on a stops by the police. We made a deal remember?"

"Hmm, I do, but... we never agreed on me telling you right after."Isabellena said making Ciel's composure break and his eyes widen,"I hope you don't mind waiting a little longer... I am quiet hungry..."

Ciel grunted but said nothing more.

The very smart Lady had a point...

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