Soon to come

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The photo above is what Harry's wf looks like.

Night soon fell and Harry and Harry was getting colder and more worried, he couldn't stop thinking of what he was to do about , well everything. First there was the up coming full moon and how to stay hidden,then there was the questions of where to go, should he stay here or go and try to find a better spot. He soon became to tired to think of all these worrying thoughts and drifted of into a restless sleep.
(Time skip brought to you by Harry's "loving" family)
      Harry woke a few hours later it looked to be about 4 or 5 in the morning. His stomach was starting to growl and he thought that that's what woke him up. He turned back into his hf (human form) and decided to go back out of the woods. He had a few choices on what to do he could go through the trash to find more food and water or go and try to steal it. He didn't like it but he could only go so long without food and water.
So he decided to go look for a dumpster you could always find good stuff there. Walking out of the woods he saw that the streets were empty, well of course they would be empty they it's like 4 in the morning, Harry thought as he walked into an alleyway to look for a dumpster. With the little luck he did have he managed to find one that was relatively full.
After finding some leftover pizza crust and a few black bananas which, to Harry, weren't half bad, he left and found a sprinkler in someone's yard. Drinking as much water as his body would let him and even cleaning of as well as he could in a sprinkler, he noticed just how long he had been there. No that wasn't good, not at all. It was at least 7 now and soon people would either be getting ready to go to work or they would be up and doing something.
      So he sprinted off to the woods and didn't stop until he was at least a mile into it. Him being a wolfblood gave him the ability to run faster, smell better, and every other thing wolfs and wolfbloods could do. He sat down by a rather tall tree and after resting from his run he decided to try and climb the tree he was under.
After 3 tries he was able to reach the lowest branch which was about 10 feet up. ( idk what the normal height for jumping is but this seemed reasonable for a wolfblood tell me if I'm wrong). He climbed the rest of the tree with ease and was able to climb on even the tiniest branches do to being starved at his aunt's.
      Once Harry had found a good branch he started to think about how he was going to hide this from everyone, this was only his second time changing on a full moon and he hadn't been in school for the first one either. What if the didn't want to be his friends anymore or worse what if they spread it throughout the whole school and then it would for sure be spread to the rest of the wizarding world. What about Remus and Sirius, what would they think what if the were like his aunt and uncle when they found out. No they wouldn't do that right? I mean Remus was a wear wolf, of course he had to understand and Sirius was still Remus's best friend so he had to to. Right? But that still left Ron and Hermione. Well either way he will just keep it a secret, no matter what.
       With that thought he drifted off into a dream filled sleep.

                 (Quick question)
    Do you guys have any ideas for this story or another one I would really like to know this is my first ever story so sorry if I'm not the best.
     Thx. Love all you  beautiful people 😚😘😙

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