Full moon pt.1

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                       Remus's POV
  I was walking to the woods where I would be transforming tonight, I know it was early but if I get there early there's no chance anyone will see me. It was 1 in the afternoon so it was my normal time of reaching the forest entrance.
That's when I smelled that wolfblood again. It was still here to be honest Remus was excited. He hadn't seen a wolfblood in years, and hoped he could actually meet this one. Walking into the woods the smell got stronger. Seeing where the wolf had been, he traveled farther in. There was a lot that you could find out by a wolfblood's scent. The farther Remus went the more he figured out about the wolf. By now he had found out it was a boy around 15, and he that he was hurt. Not bad enough to affect his mobility but enough that he could smell it.
Harry's POV
Now Harry was freaking out, what should he do he couldn't identify exactly who it was but he knew it was a wearwolf. That was not good. He sloppily put everything in his trunk and climbed to the highest point in his tree. Putting his trunk on a nearby branch, Harry tried to climb higher. These branches were thin and he had to be careful otherwise he would be flat on his back on the ground.
       He was now as high as he thought he could go without to much risk, the other wolf was getting closer and Harry knew the wolf was looking for him. He was to close for him not to be. The wolf was now in view and if Harry wasn't freaking out before he was now. It was Remus, why him, why not some random wolf who was just territorial. Now the stakes were higher than ever if he was caught or seen by Remus he would have to tell him either the truth or some crazy lie and he knew Remus was already suspicious of what happened to Harry at the Dursley's. So he jumped from one tree to the next only slipping enough to catch the attention of the older wolf but none the less he kept going as the wolf started to shout at him to stop and that he just wanted to talk. But Harry didn't stop only leapt to the next closest tree. Deciding he would go back for his trunk later he kept running. Remus was now running after Harry. Harry decided to stop jumping to other trees and now climb as high as the tree would allow him. He knew that was a problem for Remus because Harry weighed significantly less that Remus. Now he was about 3/4 the way up the tree. And still climbing. Knowing if he went up any farther he would almost for sure fall. Now what he did all depended on what Remus did.
Remus's POV
The young wolf cub stopped jumping from tree to tree and started climbing the tree he was in. Remus finally got a good look at him well as good a he could get while the wolf was climbing, he had raven black hair, a thin lanky frame, and over all looked like Harry. But it could be Harry could it? No Harry would have to him and he was at the Dursley's.
Finally the wolf stopped climbing and perched looking down at Remus. Remus didn't know what to do it was mere hours before the Full moon and the wolf was not coming down and he knew the wolf couldn't transform while in the tree. So he tried to gain the trust of the young cub.
"Hello, what's your name?"
"Call me Shadow."
"Well Shadow it's nice to meet you. My names Remus. How about you come down here so I can introduce myself properly."
"No thanks I'm fine up here."
"Well you can't transform up there it's to dangerous."
"I'll be fine thanks."
"Well then tell me a little bit about yourself."
"Fine I'm 14 almost 15. I can do magic and I'm up in a tree. What about yourself?"
"I'm 37. I can do magic too and I am trying to get you to come down here.
"Well that's nice but I can't let you see me.
"Why not?"
"That's a secret."
"Well do you want to give me a hint?"
"Fine, you have talked to me before."
"So I know you?"
"Ok how about this I walk away so you can get down, and I'll meet you later during the full moon."
"Ok see ya later"
"Bye Remus."
"Bye mysterious shadow."
So Remus walked away. Now wondering even more who this mystery wolf was. It was now only 2 hours before the moon rose and Remus started to get ready it didn't hurt anymore and being in the woods he wouldn't scratch himself. Now he just waited listening to the birds and other inhabitants of the woods, thinking about who the cub was.
Harry's POV
     Getting down from the tree, he saw that his veins were black and his eyes were probably yellow. It was about 2 hours from the full moon. Not knowing what to do he went to his tree with the trunk in it. He was bored. Nothing to do but he couldn't go far because of Remus. Staying put he decided to climb to his trunk and write a letter to Sirius.
Dear Sirius

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