Morning before

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Harry woke up somewhere around 3 in the morning I know early but it was the day of the full moon and he had another nightmare. They were happening regularly now and he was used to them so waking up at this time was no surprise to him. What to do now, was the question. After pondering what do do he decide to work on the spell acio (idk how you spell it but the spell means to bring the object to you, or something along those lines) with out his wand. He needed his stuff from the Dursley's as not to raise suspicion when he went to the hq or where ever the Weasleys and Hermione were staying. With any luck Sirius and Remus would be there too.
Staying in his tree he tried to make a stick on the ground come to him, failing, he tried again only making it a centimeter of the ground. He tried a few more times still not getting it, Harry knew he was just getting impatient because of the full moon along with him just being home but it was hard not to when all he wanted was to learn the spell so he could get his stuff from the Dursley's. Trying five more times was what it took to get it to him. Finally he did it. Now all he had to do was get better at the distance part.

(Time skip)

It was now around 7 in the morning and Harry had perfected the sommoning spell. He could now sommon things from miles away. He could do it before but now he could without a wand. Trying one more time just to make sure he got out of his tree, got a drink of water, and got ready to do the spell. "Accio trunk" he said and waited. It would take a few minutes before it got there and he hoped it had everything of his in it. He was also hungry he hadn't eaten in a while and with luck he still had so food stashed away in his trunk.
Short time skip
  His trunk came flying in nocking him down in the process. He was to excited to care though and just push it off him and looked in side. Almost nothing had changed, sure it was a little scrambled around with the trip to him but other than that perfect.
      Looking inside he saw his wand, clothes, parchment, quill, things to clean himself with such as shampoos, conditioner, and  other needed cleaning products, and he was right some food he had stashed in his trunk from the leftovers on the train ride back. Digging in to a pumpkin pasty and chocolate frog, soon being full by the short meal. Going over to the stream Harry grabbed his shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. He stripped now only in his underwear.
       After washing and cleaning himself, he felt a lot better and looked at the clock sitting in his trunk and saw that it was 10 in the morning. He was getting more antsy by the minute so he decided to run, and climb in some trees. Harry was having so much fun that he almost missed a certain smell that he recognized.

   Thank you all for reading and I know there no consistency with my up loads but I'm trying and I hope you like it.
             Love you all bye.

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