Where are you

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The photo above is what Harry looks like. Also if you like me putting photos up at the top tell me and I will.
Ok on with the story hope you enjoy.

                           Remus's POV
  Remus woke up at 6:34. Not being able to sleep very well last night. Normally he would have past out as soon as his head hit the pillow but last night he found out some secrets about Harry and that something might have happened to him.

                       3th person POV
  Sirius was in a similar state as Remus waking up only a few minutes before Remus. Both getting dressed as quick as they could before they met up in the hallway to go down to breakfast to get Molly and go try to find Harry. Luckily it was early enough in the morning that only Molly, Aurthor, (or how ever you spell his name) and Tonks were the only ones up. Arthur (I think that's how you spell it) knew what had happened after Molly was given permission to tell him and Tonks. They knew what had happened and what Harry was. Arthur was going to watch over the kids while the rest of them went to look for Harry.
  "Ok let's go now." Sirius said worried about his godson.
  "Not just yet you have to eat your breakfast. I made you oatmeal. I know it's not much but you at least have to eat something." Molly said worried about Harry but also knowing that the two men needed to eat or they wouldn't be able to look for Harry.
"No I want to go find my godson and bring him here." Sirius said
"You will eat this food or you will stay here and wait for us to return, same for you Remus." Molly said with her famous mom look plastered on her face.
"Fine" The two said at the same time.
"Good" Molly said setting down their bowls of oatmeal.
(Time skip to after they finished eating)
  Once they were done they made a plan to stay in groups of two. Sirius and Remus, and Molly and Tonks. If anyone found Harry, they were to send a patronus to the others.
   Aperating (I have no idea how you spell it) there they split up into the two groups each going in a different direction.
    Remus and Sirius went in the direction that Remus had seen Harry go last hoping for at least a clue to where he was. Going farther into the woods they saw a path where it looked like something came crashing into everything. They moved faster hoping to find anything that would help. The father they went the less hope the got, they couldn't find him. What if the men had found him and he couldn't escape. Even with Remus's advanced senses he could smell anything. Sirius was in dog form because he was still a criminal but he couldn't sense anything either.
          With Molly and Tonks
  "I think we should turn back we've been going this way for an hour and found nothing. Maybe Sirius and Remus have had more luck." Tonks said feeling like they were getting nowhere on the hunt for Harry.
"Ok let's send a patronus to them so that they know." Molly replied feeling the same as Tonks.
Back with Remus and Sirius
"Harry. Harry. Where if you can hear us say something." Remus and Sirius said
It had been 2 hours by now and not much else had happened. Just then a patronus came in it was Molly's.
"We're coming to find you. We couldn't find anything and hoping you had more luck. Don't worry we'll come find you. Just keep looking for Harry." The patronus said.

They continued searching for about another hour before Molly and Tonks found them.
"Any luck?" Molly and Tonks asked at the same time.
  "Well it looks like something was crashing into everything on its way through here, and judging by the state Harry was in before he left we're guessing it was him." Remus explained
  All Sirius could think during this time was Harry where are you.

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