Run till you can"t feel anything

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3rd person POV

Harry was in a panic his friends saw him he had scared all of them and even snapped at Ron. Oh god. They probably thought he was a freak. He was still in his human form to panicked to fully go back to normal but still holding himself back from turning completely.

Harry heard a knock on the door and knew it was Sirius and Remus.

"Harry it's just us let us in." Sirius said worriedly.

"No I'm fine I'll be out in a few minutes." Harry said trying to calm down.

"Harry we can help just let us in." Remus said calmly hoping to get in and calm Harry down before he hurt himself.

"No they probably think I'm a freak." Harry said talking about his friends.

"No they don't they just got scared you shocked them." Sirius said deciding that if Harry didn't open soon they were going to have to force their way in, they would have just unlocked it with alohamora, but they wanted Harry to open it on his own.

"I scared my best friends! I snapped at one of them! How are they supposed to trust me when I almost bit one of them!" Harry said kicking his bedpost.

"Harry either you open the door or we do it for you it's your choice. We just want to help." Remus said firmly while taking out his wand.

"I can't. What if I try to hurt you or Sirius. I can't control myself right now." Harry said shakily.

"Harry we are coming in." Remus said while unlocking the door.

Once they opened the door they saw Harry pacing the room in a panic, still not calm enough to fully change his eyes back as well as his veins.

"Ok Harry I know there is a lot going on but how about we go for a run? Yeah. Turn into your wolf form and we can go for a run in the woods." Remus said calmly as he walked towards Harry slowly.

Harry perked up a but continued to pace. Sirius decided to take matters into his own hands by changing into his animagus form and bark at Harry's feet. Remus did the same, he had a huge wolf form so his shoulders were in line with Harry's. (I know that werewolves don't normally transform but in my story they can so deal with it.) Remus started licking Harry's face, and barking as well. This got Harry's attention after about five minutes and he soon transformed as well.

Harry was now looking for an escape he hated small spaces especially in his wolf form. So he once again started to freak out, which Sirius and Remus soon picked up on and opened the door with the help of magic. Outside the door Ginny, Ron, Hermione, Fred, and George all standing there shocked as Molly and Arthur tried to lead them into the living room, failing miserably.

Harry pushed passed all of them and ran out of Grimauled place opening the door with his wolfblood magic. (I know that they don't but just play along) He raced out followed closely by Sirius and Remus.

This run wasn't out of fun and games, it was a run of try to escape your problems which Harry knew he couldn't do, because he had tried many times, but he could still try. Remus and Sirius followed closely behind making sure to keep Harry in their site's at all times.

Harry loved to feel free and not so closed in like he was at the Dursley's. It was refreshing and even though he had been out of there for most of the month it was still nice to go out and have some space. He knew he would have to return at some point to explain everything to his friends but for now he was just going to run until he could feel anything anymore, and probably keep running after that too.

Hey so sorry It's taking me a while to post I have school and sports, but I will try to update soon but I have writers block as well so no promises. Vote and comment what you think or any of your ideas I love to hear from you, and as always I love you bye 😘

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