Let the race begin

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3rd person POV

Harry woke up from one of the best sleeps of his life, yawning and stretching he he got up and got ready in some of his new clothes he had got yesterday. He tried to fix his hair but it was in vain and it still looked as wild as ever.

 (Outfit above

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(Outfit above. It's not exactly what I want but it's something close I guess so just imagine what you want to think he should wear)

Harry then went downstairs where only Molly was working on breakfast.

"Hey, need help?" Harry asked cheerfully.

"Oh Harry dear, I didn't hear you come in." Molly said slightly started.

"The perks of being a wolfblood, you're light on your feet." Harry said laughing slightly, walking over and getting the tea off the kettle just before it squealed. "Another perk of being a wolfblood is that you hear the tiniest bit of noise, it's only a perk if you use it properly." Harry said at Molly's confused look having not heard it go off.

"Well I would love the help and company." Molly while skillfully flipping a pancake.

Harry nodded putting bread in the toaster as well as flipping the beacon.

They worked on breakfast making small conversations as they worked, learning more about each other in the process.

               (Time skip to breakfast)

"So who's ready for the race." Harry said excitedly knowing he was most likely going to beat everyone in this room.

"I am." Everyone chorused at the same time making them all laugh.

They then ate the rest of their breakfast and started to head out into the woods where they would have a picnic and run the race.

As they walked through the trees Harry tried to show the other how to climb them. It was almost a complete fail, the only one who even came close was Ginny having made it up the farthest portion of the tree, compared to all the other kids, except Harry of course. They soon arrived at their destination, where the food was already set and ready.

"Wait let me try one more time." Ginny said as everyone sat down on the blanket on the ground.

"Ok, let's see it." Harry said standing up and walking over to Ginny just in case she fell.

Ginny started to climb the tree, jumping up the base, then continued to scoot up until she could just barely grab at a hopefully sturdy branch. Luckily it was and she was able to hoist herself up to get enough leverage to take the next branch in her hand. This time she wasn't so lucky, the branch broke quickly after only a few seconds of strain. Harry caught Ginny almost effortlessly. They both laughed and Harry set her down safely on the ground.

"Don't scare me like that. You almost gave me a heart attack." Molly said running over to check for any scrapes or cuts.

"I'm fine mom. Harry caught me." Ginny said as Molly continued to check her daughter for any harm.

"Well yes. Alright time to eat, who's hungry." Molly said bustling back to the food.

"I am." Everyone said together as the sat down to eat, well all except Harry.

"You guys go ahead and eat I'll be right back." Harry said before jogging off to do who knows what.

The others just shrugged knowing he would be fine on his own. Harry then went off following his nose to the oh so familiar smell. He soon found what he was looking for. Standing there was Rue in her usual spot gathering edible plants, with a few of her siblings doing the same.

He howled playfully grabbing her attention. She howled back laughing, while running over to greet him, her siblings following suit.

"Harry! I thought I smelled something familiar." Rue said excitedly jumping into his arms, nocking them both to the ground.

"Hey I've missed you." Harry said laughing as they both got piled by the younger kids.

They sat up climbing off one another.

"So what are you doing here?" Rue said after a few seconds of silence.

"Well actually I was coming here to invite you for a picnic with all my friends, you can bring the rest of your family we have enough food and it would be a chance for you guys to meet each other." Harry said hoping she would say yes.

"Are you sure I mean we wouldn't want to be a bother?" Rue said not sure.

"Yeah please it would be fun." Harry said giving her puppy dog eyes.

"Fine we'll be there, can you take Elm and Lotus, with you you while I get the rest of my family?" Rue asked politely, motioning to her two brothers.

"Sure come on boys, I bet you're hungry." Harry said standing up and heading back with the two boys.

They soon arrived and Harry introduced everyone to the two, and saying that the rest of Rue's family would be there soon.

(Time skip to when they arrive)

"Ok let me introduce everyone," Harry said standing up, "this is Rue, and her family. This is her mom, Dahlia."

He said pointing to a woman with short hair and a tiny figure.

"Her dad, Crocus."

He was a tall man with broad shoulders and a lot of muscles.

Harry continued down the line introducing everyone, to which they would wave or say hi.

(I'm going to give you guys the names and a description of each character just because I feel like it)

Dahlia: mom, short hair, tiny figure, very motherly like Mrs. Weasley.

Crocus: Dad, tall, muscular, loving, looks like he could kill you but is mostly just a softy.

Rue: Oldest child, small, nimble, protective of her family and friends.

Elm: oldest boy, lean, 12 years old, loves hugs.

Violet: 11, looks like her mom, very happy and bubbly.

Lotus: 10, twin to Rose, loves to play fight and wrestle.

Rose: 10, twin to Lotus, loves to hunt rabbits and squirrels.

Foxglove: 9, tall for her age, full of energy, feisty, loves hide and seek.

Once everyone was introduced they sat down and started eating their fill. They laughed and ate, with not a care in the world other than each other. 

After they were finished eating, Foxglove convinced the kids and Sirius and Remus to play a game of his and seek. Harry quickly hid in the trees blending in almost effortlessly.

After an hour of Sirius, who was the seeker, trying to look for him, he finally gave up. Harry then climbed out of the tree with stiff muscles.

(Time skip because I'm lazy)

"Ok everyone on your mark," Molly called as everyone lined up to start the race, "get set,"

They were lined up on a line they had made with a stick. Almost everyone was in the race except Molly, Arthur, and Rue's parents.

"Go!" Molly said dropping her raised arm.
                         (Please read)

Hey guys so so sorry for the long wait it's just been a lot with school and sports, but it should be getting back to normal. The next chapter should be the last and I'm sorry, but I don't have any more ideas. I will make other stories don't worry. Anyways I love you bye 😘

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