Flash backs and findings out

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3rd person POV
This chapter will be mostly of them talking.
⚠️Abuse warning ⚠️

"Harry we need to talk to you." Sirius said

"About what" Harry asked

"You know what" Remus answered.

"I don't feel like talking about that."

"Ok how about we talk about you being a wolfblood." Sirius said trying to get Harry to talk to them at all.

"Fine" Harry replied

Harry was ok with this subject, he couldn't hide it and at least Remus was a werewolf so he'd be fine.

"Ok let's start off simple. When was your first transformation?"

"This was my second full moon."

"Can you turn at will."


"How'd you learn so early."

"Well I guess I just taught myself. I would practice whenever I had time so after a few weeks I could do it almost instantly."

"Why didn't you tell us?"

"I- I was scared I guess" Harry stuttered.

"Scared? About what?"

"I don't know maybe that you might reject me if I told you."

"Harry we would never do anything like that. We love you."

Harry just nodded not trusting his voice. Remus and Sirius went up to Harry to hug him. But Harry wasn't expecting it and flinched away violently. He coward in the corner with his hands on his head. Remus and Sirius watched as  Harry scurried away and slowly walked up to him. Got on their knees to be less frightening to Harry. But that didn't help Harry was already having a panic attack and flash backs.

                        Harry's POV

In Harry flash back.

"Get back here you little freak!" Vernon screamed as Harry ran to his cupboard under the stairs. Harry was quick but he was already hurt and limping. He was about 8 and could easily be mistaken for a 6 year old. Vernon had caught up and was now taking Harry up to the "fun" room. Inside looked perfectly nominal to the average person but for Harry he knew that this was no such thing. He could smell his blood as well as all the cleaning products that had been used in this room. Being thrown to the ground he heard the unmistakable sound of his uncle taking off his belt. Soon the only sound you could hear was of the sound of a belt on skin and little whimpers of pain and fear.

The scene changed. Harry was now about 10 and was screaming in pain as he was pushed down the stairs. Hearing multiple cracks and crunches on the way down. He tried to crawl away from his drunk uncle but it only caused him to whimper more. He had only made it about 3 inches before his uncle was down the stairs and started to kick him.

The scene changed once more. Harry knew what memory this was. It was right after his first transformation. He looked worse than he ever had before and had already been beaten for not paying attention and burning the Dursley's dinner. "You little freak! You are just like those freaky parents of yours!" Vernon shouted as he grabbed a knife from the shelf. He then grabbed Harry and pinned him to the ground, and started carving words into his back. After what felt like hours he got up kick Harry one last time for good measure and left the room. Harry was covered in blood from the words carved into him which said "freak" "worthless" "fat" "unloved" and more. Harry soon passed out from the pain.

                       Remus's POV

I didn't know what to do Harry had just flinched away and was now huddled in a corner, looking as if we were going to hit him. Sirius looked just as shocked as I did. But none the less we both stayed calm and walked over and crouched in front of Harry. And that's when he started to mutter, it took me a moment to catch what he was saying but once I did it tore my heart to listen. He kept repeating "stop, no, I'm sorry uncle Vernon. Please it hurts." Looking over at Sirius it seemed he had heard it too.

3rd person POV

Harry continued to have a panic attack and flash backs. Remus and Sirius started to gently comfort him and whisper comforting words in his ear. Slowly Harry started to calm down but his breathing was still uneven.

                           Time skip

Eventually Harry calmed down and had now fallen asleep on the two men. Sirius picked Harry up, noticing how light he was, put him on the bed and told Remus to go get Madam Pomfrey (idk how to spell the name still) while he checked for injuries on Harry.

When he lifted Harry's shirt he saw nothing, no signs anything had happened to him but then as Harry breathed he saw a slight sparkle, and immediately knew what it was. A glamour. He was definitely hiding something now. And we'll find out what soon. Sirius thought as he looked at his godson that reminded him so much of himself and James.

Thanks for reading I hope you liked it. If you do please vote or comment. But if you don't you don't have too. But I would really appreciate it. As always I love you bye 😘

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