A problem

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                        3rd person POV

It was Dudley and his friends. Harry sank low in his seat trying not to be noticed. Dudley and his friends got there food and sat down not to far from him. Luckily they hadn't yet noticed him. Soon Sirius came back with a smile not knowing what was going on. His smile faded immediately once he saw Harry.

"What's wrong Harry." Sirius said gently.

"Nothing I'm fine." Harry said sitting up and acting as normal as he could while on the inside he was screaming and panicking.

"Are you sure you look pale and anxious?" Sirius said concerned.

"Yeah I'm sure." Harry said sneaking a glance at Dudley. He still hadn't seen him. Harry relaxed a little.

"Ok if you're sure. Here's your nutrition potions." Sirius said while handing it to him secretly not to raise suspicious because it was a muggle place.

Harry quickly took it and gave the vile back to Sirius.

The soon started to eat. Neither had ever had this before so they were pleasantly surprised with how good it was. (You can tell that I love Chick-fil-A. And the Chick-fil-A sauce is just amazing.) Harry got full quickly as usual while Sirius finished everything.

Harry had almost forgot about Dudley and his gang.


When they got up to leave, Harry realized they were going to have to walk past their table. So Harry walked behind Sirius trying to make himself as small and unnoticeable as possible. He seemed to succeed until they had gotten out into the parking lot.

"Hey mutt." Harry heard from behind him.

Harry turned around panicking now he had though he got away he should have known. He couldn't escape that easy now could he. Why was it always him. Sirius turned as well feeling Harry turn.

"Come on mutt what's the problem." Dudley said walking closer to them his gang following closely behind.

"Harry let's go we don't need you to wolf out or have a panic attack." Sirius said while putting his hand on Harry's shoulder.

Harry nodded and turned around, but before he could even take a step Dudley said.

"Aww is the little doggie afraid."

Harry started to growl out of both fear and anger. Sirius urged him along, but Dudley and his gang kept following. Harry's eyes were yellow and he had to keep his head down so no passing person could see them.

"Come on there's some woods up here we can hide in them." Sirius said guiding Harry towards them.

"No they'll just keep following us. You go to the woods and I'll see what they want. I'll run there when I get the chance and I'll find you. Ok. Good." Harry said not waiting for an answer.

Sirius not wanting to go with out Harry tried to get him to come with him but Harry nipped at him and growled.

Sirius soon had no choice but to go and wait. He decided if things got too bad he would come back in his animagus form and help Harry. So he sat at the edge of the woods watching as the scene unfolded.

"What do you want Dudley." Harry growled out keeping his head down as to not show his eyes.

"I just thought you might need a little reminder of me." Dudley said walking forward, making Harry take a couple steps back.

Soon the whole gang was around Harry as he growled. They started to push him around and into another person only to be pushed off to the next person. They were all laughing while Harry soon fell to the ground. Dudley kicked Harry in the gut and whispered some words into Harry's ear. Such as fat, worthless, freak, and burden. Soon Harry started to get madder and he got up and punched Dudley in the face. Dudley who had a look of shock on his face felt his nose which was bleeding and looked broken. He soon got over his shock and punched Harry back. It soon broke out into a fight with Dudley's gang circled around them. Dudley ended up on the ground with a bloody and broken nose, and black eye. Harry was in about the same state as Dudley with a bloody nose, busted lip, and a black eye. Knowing that if he didn't want to be in worse conditions he should get out of there, Harry broke through the circle of Dudley's friends, them to shocked to know what to do, and booked it to the woods.

Soon enough though the gang got over their surprise and ran after Harry. Harry was quick but he was also hurt so that didn't help him. But he managed to get to the woods and climb a tree before they even got there.

"Come on down mutt." One shouted.

"Yeah we won't bite." Another said.

But all Harry did was climb higher knowing that none of them could make it that high. He could smell that Sirius was close by but he couldn't get to him right now. He would have just hopped to another tree and travel that way but the nearest one was still to far away. He would just have to wait them out.

Hey people thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it. I know my story isn't the top of the line but this is only my first one and if you have any ideas for it comment them and I might add them to it no promises tho. As always I love you bye 😘

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