Having some fun

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                       3rd person POV

Harry had just finished explaining everything, and man was it nice to tell Rue. Sure the others knew but Rue had been there and they had things in common, like being wolfbloods. And the others didn't know everything they just knew that he was abused not all the details.

They were still in the tree, Rose, and Violet still climbing around on nearby trees playing tag and other games. While they played Harry and Rue continued talking catching up on everything from the important stuff to the fun stuff.

"So how are the nightmares going." Rue asked concerned for her friend.

"They're still there. But I've slept every night this week." Harry said proudly.

Harry had nightmares but lately they've been better. They used to be so bad that Harry would intentionally stay up for days on end not to have them. But that only lead to more beatings because he was slacking off on his chores.

"That's great Harry!" Rue said happily.

She cared for him so much always trying to help and give him advice.

"And what about you eating?" She asked questioningly.

"Still throwing up but getting better. Sirius tells me to come to him or Remus when I feel like puking but I don't want to be a burden." Harry said looking down.

"You know you'd never be a burden to them they love you." Rue said not knowing them personally but the way Harry talked about them she knew they were good people.

"I'm trying to convince myself but sometimes it's hard." Harry said breaking off a bit of his branch.

"Well at least you're trying."

"On a different subject, do they know you're bi?" Rue questioned having known about Harry's preference for a while.

"No but I don't know what they'll think of me if I do tell them." Harry said breaking the branch even more.

Harry knew he was bi for about a year now and only Rue and the Dursleys knew. He was scared to tell anyone else after the Dursleys had a particularly bad reaction. He was sore for weeks.

Rue quickly brought Harry out of his thoughts before they could go any further. She knew what he was thinking having been told some of the less gruesome details.

"Well you'll have to eventually. Especially if you're ever going to have a shot with your crush." Rue said teasingly at the end, trying to get Harry's mind away from the horrible memories.

"He would never feel the same way." Harry half chuckled.

"Well enough of this boring talk let's have some real fun." Rue said standing up on her branch waiting for Harry to do the same.

Once he did so Rue tagged him gently not to scare him yelling tag you're it and jumping smoothly to the next tree landing with such grace that not even the most skilled swan could match her moves. It only took a second for Harry to follow her lead darting off to the next tree laughter spilling from his mouth. He chased after her happily jumping from tree to tree slowly getting closer.

(Time skip brought to you by me doing this right before class)

Both Rue and Harry were now sprawled out in the grass sitting against a tree panting, and trying to catch their breaths, having just finished what was probably the most intense game of tag ever. Rose and Violet coming down from their own tree in a similar state. Each child walking over and sitting in one of the older kids lap's. They sat there for a while basking in the comfort of the silence as they caught their breaths'.

Soon the sun started to go down and they soon smelled Remus and Sirius heading their way. Harry knew that this moment was to good to last so he savored every second until the wolf and animagus came into sight. They both changed back and walked toward them before sitting down across from them.

"It's time to go Harry." Remus said after a few moments of silence.

Harry merely nodded standing up while moving Rose off his lap who had crawled there while Violet climbed into Rue's. Harry gave each of them a hug not knowing when he would be able to see them again.

"I'll be back as soon as I can." Harry promised quietly while hugging Rue.

Rue only nodded in return hugging tightly as if her life depended on it. They had only been friends for a few months now but it felt like they've known each other for years. They finally pulled away, and Harry walked back to Sirius and Remus before turning and started to run in the direction of Grimauled place.

Hi guys thanks for reading this chapter. Sorry if my uploads are slow but like I've said before this is just for fun and I only write in my free time. Anyways please vote and comment it makes me happy to know what you think and tell me any of your ideas they are much appreciated. As always I love you bye 😘

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